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Back in the Dub scene!

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Well, as of 8:36pm and thanks to the joy (yeah right) that is eBay, I am back in the Dub scene after selling the VR last year...! Well, I will be when I go and collect it...


Not quite a VR on RS301s though... :lol:









































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I see it as a blank canvas Dave.. its got so much potential! Its gotta be ready for a G40 transplant :D


Step 1 though has to be a megs three stage.. that paint is just ready to shine up a treat!

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admittedly I have no real desire to drive the new Olop, however Dave buying this means I can get on with my favourite past-time....


Wheel shopping!!! wooo hooooo!!!! Ebay.de here I come......... :)


Suffice to say there will be some 'engine shopping' going on too, once we sort out the other bits...


Poor wee car has had a careful, old lady owner - its not gonna know whats hit it soon....!

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doubt she'll be getting a polish - i think the body work is part of the plan.... ;)


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelies..........

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Polishing's for tarts... ;) :lol:


Being worried about where I park it, agonising over stonechips, dings, swirls, rust scabs, spending 6 hours trying to decide which of the 27 virtually identical waxes to use...? No thanks... heheh...


Hopefully as long as the chassis is sound, I have plans... :twisted:

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Well, picked it up this morning and the chassis is sounder than I could have hoped for - inner wings, battery tray, insides of the arches, sills - all completely free of rot! However, I have a bit of a dilemma now, as the car is actually 100% completely original, literally exactly the same spec as it left the factory - it's never had a stereo installed, no wiring has been altered, nothing! All that's happened is usual wear and tear, dull paint, few dings, driver's seat bolsters completely collapsed, seat fabric worn through and stuff... Feel a bit guilty about what I've got planned now! :lol:

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ah, but do you mean an actual "rat", or "rat-look"? ;) Proper rats have a sound chassis and a mental engine, without the bodywork being tarted up - rat-look I see as a cheap slow car that's been artificially aged and has "comedy" stickers etc...



Matt paint, however, when done right... ;)

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doubt she'll be getting a polish - i think the body work is part of the plan.... ;)


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelies..........


steels are soo last year.. its all about banded spacesavers!


looks like a good project coming on.



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ah, but do you mean an actual "rat", or "rat-look"? ;) Proper rats have a sound chassis and a mental engine, without the bodywork being tarted up - rat-look I see as a cheap slow car that's been artificially aged and has "comedy" stickers etc...



Matt paint, however, when done right... ;)


Ah ok.. I can sort of get the "matt" rat look, if you know what I mean. I really don't get the sort of rat look I saw at Ultimate Dubs earlier in there where a bunch of guys had a banged up, mega stickered old polo and were basically walking around on the bonnet and roof to make it look even more bashed up. As I say.. I don't get that!

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ah, but do you mean an actual "rat", or "rat-look"? ;) Proper rats have a sound chassis and a mental engine, without the bodywork being tarted up - rat-look I see as a cheap slow car that's been artificially aged and has "comedy" stickers etc...



Matt paint, however, when done right... ;)


Ah ok.. I can sort of get the "matt" rat look, if you know what I mean. I really don't get the sort of rat look I saw at Ultimate Dubs earlier in there where a bunch of guys had a banged up, mega stickered old polo and were basically walking around on the bonnet and roof to make it look even more bashed up. As I say.. I don't get that!


There was a car at Daubs at the Park, with rusty patches on the bonnet, looked rubbish and pointless. I think my car is rat-look enough when it's full of crap and dirty, but I haven't gone out of my way to make it look shit, it just attracts rubbish automatically.

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This is what you want on the olop . . thye will look cool!! These are going on my mk1 cabrio


All you need is 4 steels and contact http://www.wide-wheels.co.uk


These arent finished yet but will hopefully have them done for this weekend.





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