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CaiosG60 PWR

Exhaust Manifold Nightmare!!

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I should first say that I'm a novice when it comes to working on my car. :lol: My exhaust manifold is blowing so being a poor student I decided to takle this job my self. Not an easy job to say the least! :lol:


So I removed everything that needs to be removed to get to the exhaust manifold. Except the inlet manifold, one rounded bolt left. But one of the double sided bolts that are screwed into the head, and then the exhaust manifold screwed onto the other side had snaped at some time. So I have one of these stuck in my head and the others will probebly do the same when they are removed! :twisted: So what do I do? I think that I need to remove the engine so that these bolts can be removed/drilled. But would I be better off exchanging my head for a new one maybe ported/polished gas flowed?


I defenitly carn't afford to have this work done profesionaly as it would cost me loads in labour. I have a mate who has a fair amount of experience as a mechanic who is willing to help. I also have access to a lockup with pit and winch. But its going to be a tall order to remove and drill my engine!!!

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I am still waiting to get my head back after the same thing happened:-




Best bet is to take the head off and see where you are........maybe then you can use a hand tool on the studs/rounded nuts that are stuck.


I would not drill out the broken studs unless you are using a big workshop drill - one that you pull the lever and it goes down. ( :shock: )

The stud is harder than the head so a hand drill would just slip off the stud.


It is probably not good. :( :?

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If you have bust a stud. You will need the inlet manifold off, to have any chance of recovering the situation. Don't pull the engine, until all other avenues have been explored!!!


Dont worry about busting other studs, they can usually be removed with molegrips or a stud extractor once the manifold is off. Assuming they are not flush with the head.


New studs can be got from most motor factors. A good idea to renew the lot and get new nuts too.


Let us know if you need more info.



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This sound worse than I thought!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:


The one that I know is broke is inside the head so no chance of geting any mole grips on it! F%&k!!!


oh no!!

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one rounded bolt left.



Dont worry about busting other studs, they can usually be removed with molegrips or a stud extractor once the manifold is off. Assuming they are not flush with the head.


How do you get the manifold off with the bolt still in?

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one that you pull the lever and it goes down. ( :shock: )


"Pillar drill" mate :)



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What the %$$£%&^$£ am I going to do. My car sounds awful and I think its getting worse. Don't think an extractor can be used. Can I send it away exchange in its current state? HELP


Any one bored and want to work on my car in there spare time?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I can think of only one other way or removing a broken stud in a head other than drilling it out and re tapping it which is to use a reverse thread reamer you first drill a hole through the centre of the stud being and then attach one of the reamers pictured below and turn anticlockwise and keep turning till it bites and providing the stud hasn't welded itself into the head it should come come out. I have used one of these quite a few times before and has worked every time time they cost about £10 but if it saves you from having to take the head off then it's worth a try as long as you can get a drill behind the engine that is!


Good luck!!


If you need a set of the reverse reamers I can get you a set out in the post for trade price no problem!! just PM me if you need them

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Cheers BANANA! I'll get them from you when I need a set. Not sure about if there is more access on a Corrado but there is no chance of drilling it with it in the car. It defenitly engine or head out to get access at it. Even a Haynes manual recomends that you remove the engine to remove a injection or exhaust manual from a 8v golf!! The bit of the bolt that I have is rusted so I don't think the remaining bolt will turn easy!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaah!


This could be the final straw for me and my beloved G-Lader!! Or strorage of some sort untill I finish Uni!


:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: What a terible design! The way the manifold ataches is just a knightmare! :evil: :evil: :evil: VW didn't make there cars easy to work on, but I still love the DUBS!!

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It realy isnt that bad, just done all the studs on mine, you may find that the when you go to undo the rest of the nuts they take the studs out with them, took me about an hour under the car to sort mine all out

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