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its a sad weekend :-( & insurance

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hello all


the corrado is now finaly official of the road now :-( and i hate it after just one weekend seeing it sitting in the garage its pi$$ed me right off but hey thats life


Anyway as its off the road now so im going to start poolishing everything i can under the bonnet so the question is where can i get a polishing kit from????



2.1 16v


P.S Also a word of warning to everyone under 25, Insurance compnaies/law has changed so you now lose alot of benefits I myself used to have and you can no longer be insured under parents name (not that i was doing this as i have 6 years ncb) but be awear!!!

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Hello mate


two things


first of all because the change in the law's of insurance im going to lose alot of benefits i used to have so i might aswell for another month or so until i am 25 and get those benefits back, i.e. for example upto now ive always been able to drive other cars third party and now you dont get that etc.


Also my car is going in for a full bare metal respray in about 4 weeks fingers crossed so theres no point driving it for a month and then having it off for a month


So basically i havent got a car to drive at the mo and after 7 years of driving its the first time i have got a car and not being able to drive it :mad: lol


So thats why im going to start polishing everything i can under the engine bay :-)


So if anyone knows of a good kit i can buy etc to polish up please advise



2.1 16v (no off the road but soon to return :D )


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P.S Also a word of warning to everyone under 25, Insurance compnaies/law has changed so you now lose alot of benefits I myself used to have and you can no longer be insured under parents name (not that i was doing this as i have 6 years ncb) but be awear!!!


I guessing its the same European law type thing that applies here in spain,


Basically Insuring YOUR car or a car in your parents name with them as a main driver and you as a second driver to get cheaper insurance is being stamped out. This is called fronting and is illegal if the second driver is infact the main driver and covers more miles than the premium holder. or something like that.


However there is a way round it here in spain. Basically the main insured party (the policy holder) signs a form saying they are liable for any claims made by the second driver.(basically if the second named driver has a prang, the policy holder pays out not the insurer.)


Im guessing this is one of the reasons its so hard to get insurance under 25 here in spain (believe me i know) but when you find it its cheaper than the uk. (by about a third).


Personal injury claims are neraly unheard of compared to the uk, Cars over 10years old CANNOT be insured fully comp :mad: . alough it all seems mad, it does infact make sense and lead to cheaper premiums.

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When I was 16 (not a typo - driving age on the Island is 16, not 17), I always wanted to be insured under my parents' name. They said 'no' and told me it was for my own good.


Obviously at 16 the world was against me and my parents hated me but with hind-sight, I am glad they did. It's nice that I can look back and say I paid my own way and also the NCB I have.


The most annoying thing I find is that the brokers don't always give you their best quote. You tell them that you have a quote of 'x' and they come back with a better offer. Why not just give me that price to start with?! It would be like a supermarket charging you £20 extra on your shopping in the hope that you don't query the final amount.


If it's a legal requirement to have insurance, the Government should set up an independent body to regulate it.

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i total agree with you guys insurance companies are just getting stupid now and i most agree with VR6 if they want you insured under your name offer us the best price not what price they can get :mad:


I tell you though im happy aswell that my parents made me insure it under my own name hence why i now have 6 years ncb's which i think counts as full but to still get done just because im a month away from being 25 is just damm stupid!!!!!


oh well i guess were all fighting a lossing battle :cry:


anyway not to change it to much does anyone know of a polishing kit please :wink:

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I've just come off the phone with my broker. :mad:


I was asking about how much my primium would go up after I made some mods (X-flow head and custom inlet manifold) and the company asked if I was thinking of using the car for shows, to which I replied yes.


The company who my cover is through have come back to my broker and said the mods increase the primium by £47, bargain I thought, But wait!!They also said that because I might show it they will only insure me third party only??

I wouldn't mind, but I'm paying £1200TPFT now

So that's an extra £47 for less cover??? :lol:


Even my Broker laughed at this!


My policy runs out in Jan and by then I'll be 23 and have 5years NCB.


So guess who's spending loads on mods now thanks to a beautifull bank loan and waiting till January to put them on and not going with the same insurance company :lol: :lol:


Don't you just love insurance

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Does being 25 still have any magical significance? I know its 10 years ago for me (just!), but when I last asked my broker, I was told that turning 25 no longer has any special significance and the premiums don't drop significantly. Age is but one factor in fixing the premium and its all done on a progressive sliding scale. Just wondered if that's true across the board. While on insurance, I often find that the same insurance proivider will give a lower quote to a new customer than to someone renewing their policy. Its worth checking and refusing to renew and starting from scracth, so long as you can transfer your benefits. If it helps, I'm paying £600 fully comp. with £300 XS with full NCB.



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I didn't notice any significant benefit from going over 25. And yes, isn't it amazing that my renewal quote came down by over £200 when I told them I got a better quote elsewhere..?

I'm still desperately trying to build a full NCB, though, so I'm still paying through the nose.. :(

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The best polishing kit I can think of alex is plenty of sheets of wet and dry, starting with something like 600 grit and working your way down to 1200 with plenty of elbow grease and then finish by using something like solvol autosol metal polish brings up alloy a treat. Alot of hard workbut worth it for the results thats what I'm getting clever with at the moment for all my alloy parts but I'm cheating a little bit by using the Die grinder to start off with and then just getting the polished finish with 1200 wet and dry and then the autosol :D

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lol yeah i though someone would say that


I was hoping someone would say you can use a drill or dremel which i have both to make my life easier but looks like thats not going to happen lol


dont worry im going to start somewhere but i just dont know where lol


also whats a good way of tiding up wires in the engine bay??


also do you guys do you think i should leave the engine the way it is or should i add a supercharger??

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also do you guys do you think i should leave the engine the way it is or should i add a supercharger??


I like the way you say this. Kinda like - "oh and which flavour milkshake this morning: banana or strawberry?".


Somewhat understating the implications, your comments above... ;)

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