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Steering wheel

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I've decided to buy a new steering wheel for my G60 and have narrowed it down to 2 finalists. The Momo Fighter and the Momo Race. What I'm wondering is what diameter of wheel should I go for? The Fighter comes in 305mm diameter and the Race comes in both 350mm and 320mm. I know that the smaller the wheel I choose, the heavier the steering will get but what differences can I expect over standard on both sizes? Or will the 320mm one look too small anyway? Anyone got any pics of these wheels in their Corrado's and can tell me the difference it makes to the steering? Just curious before I part with £165 (all in for most expensive one of the 2). Plus, any recommendations as to where I can get good prices? I've tried Venom and got these:


Fighter -£135.13

Race - £129.25

Boss Kit - £29.38


Cheers for your help

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What's the stock wheel diameter?


The steering will be heavier, but only really at low speeds (parking).

The big thing to consider is a smaller wheel "amplifies" all your inputs, so it can be a bit nerve wracking at high speeds with a much smaller wheel. But on the plus side on a slow twisty course its more responsive. So it depends where you're driving and how you like the stock wheel.



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I'd have to measure it. I've heard it's about 360mm so would I be best to get the 350mm so to not change it too much? Would prefer to have a go with both sizes but the chances of doing that are very slim. Cheers for your reply mate, it's given me something else to consider. 8)

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Another problem I've found is that a small wheel can make seeing your clocks a bit tricky. I had my momo course in my Mk1 golf and it was a pain to see the rev counter and speedo... now its in the corrado and was the same size as the stock wheel so no more having to peer round the rim. Having said all that I generally look at the road and only check my speed just before I get pulled over :wink:

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You drive a go-kart Darren? Measured the standard wheel and it is about 367mm in diameter. Still unsure of the size (not 280mm though :? ) to get but looking like it's leaning towards 350mm one. Keep up the opinions and pic please, I want to know what people think. 8)

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humm what about a 280 one then... :lol:


Is that the Jet or the Team?


I'm after one... :wink:

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the new version of the millenium is called the 'Evo' £179.89 from demon tweeks,

momo NET is £169.20, normal millenium is £167...but can be bought for about £147.


Isotta's range of wheels are a bit better style wise...like the Vellelunga wheel looks way more BLING! :lol:


The Race wheel is more suited to the dash of the corrado...thats if it has no leather!

If it does then a more posher steering wheel is in order..just my 2p's...chaa plonk.

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I hate the stock corrado wheels (94 2l 16v).


One of my only mods was to install a Sparco 3 spoke. Its about 320mm dia and a slightly flat botton with a wide dia grip.


It does stop you seeing the speedo but you have to do a ton for that.


No way I'm fitting the std on it again. It improves the drive over the std for sure. Much more responsive and parking no sweat at all.


ps. not safe though. A crash and me head smacks the metal spokes. Not to bright after all I guess.

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I would like a Momo Club 4, but at £180ish I think there are other more important things to sort first - like rust!!! C needs a respray/touch up.


However I was wondering if any of you who have changed your steering wheels already would like to part with the old one? Mine in getting a but shiny - due to miles done!

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I like the look and feel of the the 350mm momo race it's just the right size any smaller and it's too small IMO


just my 2ps worth


Oooohhh!!! Snap! :roll: :lol:


Same wheel, same size, and same thought about the sizes... :? 8)


Oh, and have a look at my 'rado's pictures to see what my G60 looks like with a 350mm Momo Race wheel... 8)


*EDIT* Sod it, here's the photo!

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Bit off topic: Henny I notice that your gaiter is hanging loose around the base of your gearknob, not sure if you're fussed but a good solution for this is to push the metal ring down, gather the leather above it and cable tie it from the inside up against the gear knob. Not sure if that makes any sense but when I had a leather gaiter the ring would clink against the shaft and piss me off. I tried to make that sound as innocent as possible, not sure I pulled it off..... :oops:

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Also noticed your gaiter. I machined a small spacer out of aluminium and polished it up till it looked like a chrome part.


It is quite nice becaue I didn't want a chrome gear knob - becasue it would look a bit to 'bling' for my taste, but a small ring of it is subtle enough and has a suitable magpie effect. :shock:


I'll see if I can get a photo of it to attach.

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Yeah, yeah... :roll: It's an old photo, OK?!? :lol: :oops: 8)


I'd only just fitted that gear knob when I took the photo. Rest assured it's sorted now... well, OK, it's not actually at the moment 'cos there's not much of an interior in the car due to a new ICE install and a load of electrical work that's being done while the engine's out, but you know what I mean! :roll:


I used the "gather and cabletie" method too Leavon. It's a good tip... :D


Thanks for spotting that though, both of you, and suggesting good ideas to sort it... 8)

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I tried smaller than a 350, and it restricts the view of the rev counter etc. I got a momo race, and its puyfect. feels nice, and has the little bits where you grip it, feels nice when youre driving.

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I've been thinking about getting a Momo Shuttle - I think it would match the grey interior of my C quite nicely - what do you guys reckon?


I'm not sure about the yellow horn push, but I expect that can be changed for a black one :?




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