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has anyone read any of the latest magazines? is it still a chav porn mag loosely disguised as car mag a with some gash motors in that look like theyve ram raided Halfords with a bottle of pritt stick?



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Haven't seen an ish for about a year, but that sounds pretty much on the mark. Anyway, what do you expect from a mag that is aimed at 14-19 year olds? (and thankfully doesn't try to pretend otherwise)

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there photography is amazing though which is a shame when the reviews can be so poor.

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thats kind of my point, i know what it used to be like but had heard since the editor (?) had changed theyd had a bit of a rethink in the last few issues aiming at the less chavvy end of the spectrum and going for an much more upmarket feel


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thats kind of my point, i know what it used to be like but had heard since the editor (?) had changed theyd had a bit of a rethink in the last few issues aiming at the less chavvy end of the spectrum and going for an much more upmarket feel



not sure if they'll ever shake off the chav mantle though. a bad rep is harder to get rid of than a good rep (as i found out at school)

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lol, i feel a "what was your reputation at school" thread coming on!


Your wish is my command.... :lol:


Oh, and I've heard that Max Power has upped its game rather, the front covers certainly look a lot more up market.

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thats kind of my point, i know what it used to be like but had heard since the editor (?) had changed theyd had a bit of a rethink in the last few issues aiming at the less chavvy end of the spectrum and going for an much more upmarket feel




thats what i've heard, i've also seen the chap from max power on a few forums like the corsa one asking what people think now.


i've still not bought one tho, its tarred with a brush and i don't wanna be seen holding one in the queue to pay for it :lol:

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hmmm....theyve asked to do a feature on the goof. Seems pretty persistent. Undecided if i want it in there to be honest


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depends what you like really, has never interested me, having a cover/feature car, but to some that all that matters, they just build cars get it featured then sell up


to me its the same kinda mentality as wanting to be in the big brother house, like the lowest of all fame you could achieve :lol:

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to be honest im more interested in getting some quality pics of the goof by a professional photograher than having it featured, especially for what the goof is

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to be honest im more interested in getting some quality pics of the goof by a professional photograher than having it featured, especially for what the goof is


To be honest, quality pics would do it for me! I think the concensus is that it is/has changed, but are unsure if the content of the mag has improved, i.e. less of the soft porn and more of the hard car porn, if you catch my drift. I've not bought Max Power for about 7 years or so, as it just ended up being a load of stupidly modified Paxo's and Cursa's, but given that the cover car of the last one saw (about a week ago) was some sort of tuned Bentley GT, I think the content may have improved somewhat. As long as they don't have those stupid 'cruise' articles with a series of pig ugly fat biffa's in showing there mammories that would make me think more about buying it!


Where did they see your Goof anyway dude? At an event? Did they come up and ask you to have it featured?

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Ive got a great max power at home, with a menacing g60 edition 1 cover. The rest, are unfortunately, rubbish. IMO.

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Ive got a great max power at home, with a menacing g60 edition 1 cover. The rest, are unfortunately, rubbish. IMO.


Is that a recent issue?

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I'm thinking you shouldn't because it'll only encourage more chavs into the VW scene.


I'm sure if you asked Musicman he'd be able to help you out with some sexy pictures...?

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I must admit that I recently flicked through the last issue (not the latest but one before) while sat in a garage and actually it wasn't the Chav mag it has been in the past. No soft porn at all throughthe pages and the cars weren't too chav either - Even doing features on how to do certain types of jobs!!

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I say go for it! Your car will help improve the pages of the mag no end plus you'll get a feature and some nice pics to boot! Almost a no brainer but I understand your concerns...

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Ive got a great max power at home, with a menacing g60 edition 1 cover. The rest, are unfortunately, rubbish. IMO.


Is that a recent issue?


No, 10 years old.

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When they featured Jbobs corrado a few months ago i thought the photography was absolutly amazing..some of the best pictures i have seen in a long while.

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I'd say go for it. If only to get some pro photo's of your car and something to put in the history folder :)

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