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Danny B

hello everyone

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Alrite everyone,


i'm new to the site, just bought myself a VR6 couple of weeks ago, and love it.........been using the site and got some wicked advice on how to cure the noraml corrado niggles.......but still got a few questions though.......noticed recently that i have what appears to be a little oil resting in the top mounts of both front suspension struts, is that normal ??? and also can anyone recomend a good VW mechanic/garage in south london......dont mind doing alot of small work myself but want to find someone who can give the car a look over every year to make sure its running A OK and to do the bigger stuff.....any suggestions would be great.


cheers guys.

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Welcome to the forum Dan! And straight into VR ownership too lol!! I'm sure some of the London boys & girls will be along shortly to recommend a good garage.

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It could be leaking out the top of the shocks - dry it out with some paper towel and see if it comes back. If it does, then it's time for new shocks :(

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cheers mate, will have a go at drying it out, the only thing that makes me suspicous is that both the left and right strut has it and both have the same uniform amount of oil......was thinking it mite has been put there for a reason i.e for lubrication or something, as the damping of the car feels perfectly fine.


or maybe just wishful thinking !!!!

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