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Fk Konigsports - FALLING TO BITS !!!!!!!!!1

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Was reversing the rado into the unit earlier and heard a 'ping' type sound...Had a look about and couldnt see anything...


Anyway,as i was cleaning up after fitting new rear discs/pads/wheel bearings...i found a bit of red anodised ally :o


I knew what it was straight away...bottom spring collar!!!!!!!1


The other 2 bits were still on the shocker (they were as one) until i removed it,and it just fell into two bits in my hand :o :shock:


As you can see from pics,ive always kept the coilies greased up...and you can see how minty they are where ive wiped em.


Really worried now as the remaining one may be ready to fall to bits also. :(

Seriously not impressed. :censored:






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I had the same sort of trouble with mine(well siezed rings)

Think I bought a replacment locking/adjuster ring kit from venom,kin dear tho=£60.

1 Year guarantee on these babies

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Had em on around a couple of years...not done many miles :(


Not stainless bodies,but aye...a m8 of mine said its due to the chemical reaction between steel/ally.


Think i got em from awesome via a groupbuy on e38...bigpants baby,rough price on the new collars? although i may see if the warranty will come in handy?


Ive never even adjusted these on the back :?



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