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I have wasted my life

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Cool - just imagine how many hours that must have taken!


Also - talk about a gnat's chuff clearence between those cylinders :shock:

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Cool - just imagine how many hours that must have taken!


Also - talk about a gnat's chuff clearence between those cylinders :shock:


I know mate, I don't even want to think about how long it takes to teach a computer how to do that. The head gaskets must be made of adamantium or something.... :lol:

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amazing, would be interested to know how many engines (not just w16s) are produced like that??

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Nice pice of engineering, a little wastful tho I think - Surley they would be better off machining a cast aluminium block rather than machining the entire thing from solid billit.

Would save time and materials.

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Way cool, but mayhap a little long in the process. I would hate to have been the CAD programmer!

Have you guys seen the G-lader tech talk on youtube too? Very informative.

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amazing, would be interested to know how many engines (not just w16s) are produced like that??


I don't think the VAG W16s are produced like that, I'd imagine they're cast and machined as, veedub says. I'd guess they've made that video to demonstrate what the machine can do.

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maybe i'm being thibk but it seems at some points in the video it looks to have 6 cylinders in each bank vr6 styly configuration yet in others it sems to have 8? so is it a video of a w12 then a video of a w16 put together? an amazing amoutn of work though! :shock:

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Andy, i think if you read down some of the comments on the video's page it shows that they had to remount the block at some point so the last 2/4 could be put in.. Some people were getting very worked up about that very issue!

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I love the arguments you get on you tube. Most videos don't have comments on the film any more, just loads of abuse. :lol: Still, it's a shame there are so many people out there who take that kind of thing personally. Guess it's quite interesting that two people can watch exactly the same video and see two different things.

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