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anyone got any good stories!!!

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just wondered if anyone has any good car related stories they've heard or been involved with e.g any funny moments or other cars/drivers you might of embarrassed etc..


could do with laugh!

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When I was 17 years old and had my trusty Scirocco Storm!! I was in a garage and there was a silver Ferrari Testorota which I decided to follow. It turned out to be driven by a nuttcase who did 70+ in a 30mph limit. So I caught him up and was trying to keep up with him when we where both held up in traffic I took my chance with a cheeky not 100% safe overtake (I was young!) and flew past him with my mate in passenger seat waving! The next strait that came was a good 4 miles long. So I tryed to outrun him. I could see him in my mirror coming up behind me quick. I was getting to 115mph when he caught me. He couldn't just fly by because there was a car coming in the opposite direction. As the car coming from the opposite direction went past I looked in my mirror (while doing 120mph) saw the front of the Ferrari dip (dropped down a gear?), he then flashed his lights pulled out and annihilated me!


That’s why I want a Ferrari!!!

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An incident what happened to me about 10 years ago, It was my sisters Wedding and i was assisted the duty of keeping a car parking space reserved for someone untill they came back which meant i had to stand in the gap (reverse forward parking) I was 14 at the time so i was standing there leaning again a bollard, and this guy came in a very clean granada mk2 and looked at the space, i said to him it was reserved for someone, but he did not listen he drove forward and reversed into the gap, but he reversed so fast obviously to scare me and it worked i legged it only for him to come crashing into the bollard i was leaning against.......all my cousins were in hysterics it was so f**king hilarious!

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Nearly filled my pants when a mate of mine took me round the city ring road at 90MPH and lost control.. in a crappy old Astra 1.6 SR. We went into this sweeping corner and the car stepped out at the back - we went sideways, backwards, etc and somehow only clipped the barrier and smashed the indicator. Skidded to a halt facing the other way in a cloud of tyre smoke and I was genuinely terrified. We laughed about it afterwards, but I was really not laughing at the time.

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hmm... ya i've got some crash stories..


my friend gets his license when he turns 16, his mom buys him a car and puts it on her insurance plan (he's supposed to pay the car cost back as he can afford). he comes by my place straight-away, and we head down to pick up a pizza, the long way (10 minutes for pizza to cook). so we head down through a nice forest section, we hit a straight... and he guns it. up to 100km, 120km now, 140km... and he starts shimmying the steering wheel back and forth just a little.. giving the car a little shake (very dumb) and says something like "you scared?" all joking.. and he starts to lose it, overcorrects, and into the woods we go. probably mowed down about 10 small trees before stopping not more than 2 feet from a 6 or 7 foot thick tree. then i say "no.. are YOU scared?" if we would have lost it about 50 feet later we'd be dead. car was written off.. he was charged with careless, he's 22 now, has ridden his bike and taken the bus ever since. now THAT scares me. lol


about a year and a half ago me and another buddy are coming back from partying on may two four (big boozin holiday here.. doubt you brits have that one) and i'm asleep in the front seat of his GMC safari.. without seatbelt (i was trashed). next thing i know i wake up to a black neon coming towards us quick head-on, he tries to avoid us by going into OUR lane, it happened within about one second from the time i woke up to impact. rude awakening. apparently my friend had started to drift into the opposite lane. head on crash, both vehicles totalled. i stuck my nosebone through my face when i hit the windshield, few more cuts from that... landed in the far opposite corner of the van as we rolled... in a pile of broken beer bottles. we were trapped in the van, eventually i was able to kick the back door out. the old people in the other car had to be cut out with the jaws of life... and airlifted. the lady looked dead. scary business, but they lived...


they were pullin glass out of me for it seemed like hours. i was smiling for weeks because i was alive. seat belts kiddies. i could go on for hours with these crash stories but i get sick of typing :lol:

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I got the best one LOL


ok i was doing like 25mph in a 30 speed zone and up comes behind me a riced up clapped out nova with all the spoilers and stickers and crap with a exhaust held on by a paper clip (you get the picture) proper rude boys like 10 in one car


so it was a long straight and it was clear so he starts to over take me. When he is parallel to me I gently squeeze my corrados pedal. At this point we are doing about 40mph. still as he tries to match my speed I match his speed.

Then a car in the distance appears and I drop a gear and boot it this point my corrado is in its full posing state electric spoiler goes up and I smoke him 60-70-80-90-100mph (road was private) now all I can see in the distance is nothing.


I come to a set of traffic lights and guess who behind me (the nova) so I look in my mirror and both doors open and the guys get out and start walking towards me. so in perfect timing the lights change to green... I dip the clutch and rev to 5.5k and drop it... the nova boys were left standing in the road being laughed at by the other drivers. While they choke on the smoke my yokohama A539’s made


now that’s a story......

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Here's the funniest one I've ever seen :-


I was standing on the forecourt of a Mercedes dealer in Yorkshire when this guy pulled up in a F**d Escort. Apparently it had broken down - he says "can I leave my car in your car park until the AA arrive ?". I said "yeah, no problem - just leave it in that space down there" pointing to an empty parking space just down the slope from where we were. This guy is pushing his car towards the parking space when gravity starts to take over. The car starts to roll by itself & the guy tries to get back in to apply the handbrake. He couldn't get into the car quickly enough to prevent it smashing through a bollard at the far end of the car park. Car was totally f****d & I made this guy pay for the damage to the bollard !!


Took me about an hour to stop laughing.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Another good one, similar to the Nova story.


I once travelled up with Manchester with a mate of mine on the train to buy this old D reg Toyota Celica for like £800.. he had been after one for ages, and this came up as the cheapest. It wasn't a bad so we took a day off work and went to buy it..


It was a bit of a nail but it lasted him for a good year before he scrapped it. But it did have the two litre engine and it was quite potent.


So anyway a few weeks later he is driving down the road at work near to where we live and this Nova 'spots him' and pulls out of a junction to keep up with him... the Nova proceeds to chase him down the road, and my mate is thinking nothing of it.. he then sees out the corner of his eye the Nova trying to overtake him!! So he cracks it down a gear and puts the pedal to the metal... cue one Nova sat driving down the middle of the road trying to overtake a Celica that is no longer there :D


Muppets... I don't know why they even TRY. :D

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i remember being in my first c it was a white 1.8 16v with no extras not even a sunfroof and i was driving back from thruxton ( i was working there at the time) and i'ed just had a blast in a 360 modena one of the first in the country so you can imagine the mood i was in :D anyway i was'nt hanging around when i came up behind a trigged up 106 who for some reason clocked me coming up and thought that as soon as i pulled out he would move over as to not let me through :shock: so i pulled back and waited turned the corner and he he a straight for over a mile and empty, second, third, fourth 120 bye bye t**t and i did'nt give it another thought untill about 8 miles down the road this 106 re'appears in my mirrors and right up my a**e so i just ignore it and ignore it untill enough is enough and another swift over taking manouver and problems gone. pull up at the lights a further 2 miles on and he gets out gets to my door not realising the lights are green and leave him not only out of his car holding the traffic up but surrounded by michelin smoke why o why do they bother :D

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Whats the deal with these people getting out of their cars? Coming to try kick you in for showing them up in their crap cars?!



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i am new here so hello everyone! i think i have done this the wrong way round cos i joined and have made my contribution but forgot to introduce myself!


anyway here is my story all about my rado. its a bit of a long one but i wrote this to PVW and it got published in thier August 02 mag.


i would appreciate your opinion on my situation!





It’s a bit of a long story but, I own a Red 91’ Corrado G60 ( Looks the same as the one in the June 02 issue of PVW, Corrado Thrash ) . I bought it in 1998 when living in Dubai in the Middle East. The car dealer that I bought it from purchased it in Japan and then shipped it to Dubai with a slipping clutch so I managed to buy it for peanuts. Since then I have moved back to the UK and my parents have moved to California USA and taken the car with them. Because of the strict import laws over there they said it could only be in the country for 12 months so after that, it again went on a voyage across the sea and now sits in my garage here in the UK. It has no service history because of the way it’s travelled but since it’s been back I have managed to track down that it was originally intended for the German market.


Its LHD and has only done 101,000 Km, the bodywork is perfect in terms of corrosion but has a lot of sun damage to the paint due to the intense heat it has had. It has been sitting in my garage unregistered with no MOT and the charger blew in America with the bearing going through the top of the outer casing and a hole appearing in the bottom as well (have removed it from engine bay to take a look). I had all the other belts changed while it was in America and had no idea about the drive belt, which had consequentially shred to pieces. After removing the charger and doing some DIY pipe work we found that the car will run fine without the charger (but obviously slower).


My dilemma now is what to do with it? In brief it needs a re spray, the suspension needs work and the charger ist kaput!

I was thinking about converting it to RHD but don’t know how much it would set me back? (that’s without sorting the charger). I have been told by VW that it basically needs the majority of the front end changing, is this true?

The other thing that I could do is keep it LHD sort the mechanical probs out ie charger and shocks, and then get it registered and drive it as it is while saving for a paint job.


Where could I get a reconditioned charger from and how much would that cost? How much would a paint job usually cost on average for a car of its size (same colour so internals wouldn’t need doing)? How much does it cost to register the car in the UK and would it be possible because of the new import laws (its been in the country for about 10 months). I love the car to bits and really don’t want to get rid of it but at the moment the only thing that I can think of is to sell it for parts.


Please help me by giving your honest opinion on the best route to take and any contacts that you think would be useful if you think its possible to rescue it. Sorry for so many questions but apart from VAG, whom I can’t get much sense out of, you seem to be the Mecca of all things VW!





they replied: 'tow it to a scrappy and hope you get 50 quid for it!'


so my reply to that would be F**k Off! what does everyone else think??

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Pick up a 2nd hand charger on eBay and hang onto it? Aint nowt wrong with a left hand drive motor in the UK?


Sure you can get it registered and MOT'd!

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LHD-G60 - red cars really do suffer quite a lot from sunlight damage, would I be correct in saying that the paintwork has turned a kind of dull pink colour ??

This can usually be remedied with machine polishing. Use a non-abrasive polish (definitely not t-cut) and a lambswool polishing wheel. Use only very light pressure so as not to cause "swirls" in the paint.


Superchargers can occasionally be obtained from accident damaged cars in a scrapyard - although be sure to have it reconditioned before putting it onto your car.


Suspension components are relatively cheap, so shouldn't be a problem.



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that was my plan, keep it as a leftie!


yeah its pink alright! trouble is a couple of the panels are flash red instead of Tornado red cos the car was keyed really badly and the idiot insurance company in the middle east sprayed them the wrong colour but by that time i didnt know till it arrived in california cos i left the country before the car! so really it does need a re-spray.


someone keyed both the doors again as well :mad:


other thing, its going to cost at least a grand for a scrapyard charger and rebuild. am i just better off getting a new one or an alternative? which is better: G60, Eaton or Screw compressor?


i have seen a nice screw compressor by BBM thats 1500 quid brand new! sounds the dogs bo**ocks too!

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its going to cost at least a grand for a scrapyard charger and rebuild.


Like jims 16v said - just keep having a look on ebay, you should be able to get one which has already been rebuilt. Alternatively, start a new thread on this forum - I'm sure somebody will have a spare charger kicking around.

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I remember a chase I had with a mate in his 1.6 MK2 Capri.This was in pre Corrado owning days-in fact it was pre owning any kind of car days!

I was in my da's mk2 Vx Cavalier Cdi and were taking some friends to a party in it and he was taking some more in his car.So we got onto on of the long straight roads here, and proceeded to have a bit of a lark,overtaking,sitting right on the bumper,stupid things like that,when he eventually got past me and vanished into the distance,cos I had gotten bored and was just wanting to get there in one piece now 8) .

As we came up to a particularly nasty s-bend in the road,which kind of dips downwards and then back up a hill,we saw the Capri on its roof in the field at the side of the road.The guys got out of it with cuts and bruises and as the last bloke just got his foot out through the hatch,the thing caught fire :shock: and proceeded to go up like a roman candle.

The driver said that he lost control going into the bend,on some gravel,but more likely it was the speed he was doing-in a rear driven car.

Anyway car is now well alight and all he wants to do is go back to it and get his "half-a-packet"of tabs that was left in the glove-box :shock: :p

Much was talked about it at the house where the party was afterwards,and also much leg-pulling and mickey taking.

Even made the local paper that week,with a picture of the fire brigade putting it out. :wink:

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The most amusing incident I've had was when I had my MK2 Golf 16V. I'd just had Stealth fit some Konis, H&R springs and Eibach ARBs (my favourite setup) the week before so it was handling quite nicely at this point. Anyway.....there I was travelling along minding my own heading toward a roundabout (dual carriage sized one) when a set of lights came out of nowhere and glued themselves to my bumper. Doing about 50 at this point and sped up a little and entered the roundabout.....the road was wet so I was bricking it, but just had to lose the plonker behind me, on handling if not speed......so I just grit me teeth and hung on for dear life.......the Golf made it across the roundabout in a tyre scrabbling fashion but not too shabbily......once clear I check the rear view and I just see these headlights spinning round. He'd basically understeered off the roundabout and onto the grass and into a hedge!


I was absolutely p'ing myself for ages afterwards but I should have been concerned with his welfare. Nevermind, the things you do when you're young :lol:



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LHD-G60... I drive a LHD VR6 and don't have a problem, with it.... aside from getting past barriers at multi-storeys etc.... If anything, gearchanges with the right hand are more natural (assuming your right handed)


Depends on if YOU have a problem, driving LHD over here.. if not, I'd leave it the way it is and just sort the charger out

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no, i havn't got a problem with the LHD thing so thats the plan. getting it MOT'd this week hopefully for it to be registered. don't know what other work will need doing to is as well. just graduated and will hav the money to sort the car out b4 long tho. will have to keep the progress posted!



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LHD-G60, Yeah I would keep it LHD - much better car than a RHD in terms of weight distribution as the engine was designed to counterbalance the driver!


Must have been to expensive to make all the engine parts backwards for the RHD cars!!! Also german corrado's are alot better built than the 'seconds' we got over here, If you compare them you find alot better sound proofing and standard equipement which is strange as they were all built in the same factory by Karman unlike other VW's where the differences spur from the country they were produced.


The lack of corrosion obviously comes from the hot country's it has resided, chassis wise it may be one of the best examples around as sounds like its worth restoring - I stopped reading PVW when they started to do articles on some of the ugliest corrado's I have ever seen and ones that I didn't even recognise as C's!


Tornado red of that era always suffered from bleaching effects of UV but it is one of the cheapest colours to get hold of and because paint technology has moved along now, you don't need to really worry about it if you get it repainted in its original colour. I wonder what you would have to do to register it as a 'new' car in the UK??

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