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Strange letter from the insurance company?

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Just got a letter through from my insurance company saying my car has been involved in an accident on the 9th of July and i may receive a NIP for the police. They quote my name and address and the insurance company are correct. The ask me to ring to discuss the incident, and i may incur charges for everyday i don't call them. Weird as its taken them 3 weeks to send the letter.


I can confirm my car hasn't been in an accident on this date as it was parked on my drive all day and i am the only one who has keys.


Could this just be an admin mistake by the insurance company? Pity i can't find out whats going on till business hours tomorrow.


Anyone have any idea's?



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May be crazy talk, but why not ring them? Unless of course you've only just got home and they're not open.


Obviously something amiss at your insurance company so not quite sure what the 'Forum' can offer in the way of advice. Good luck sorting it though :D

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That's messed up. I used to work in motor insurance and still work for an insurance company. Very sadly. :( That is a very strange letter. You really need to get in touch with them asap. Someone may have reported an accident involving a car with cloned plates, it may just be an admin mistake or something more sinister. The fact that it's taken three weeks for you to get the letter might mean there's been some searching for your details. Searching the MID can be a real pain. I don't know but the strangest thing I find is that it says they're going to charge you for every day you don't respond. Someone else may be able to shed light on that but I've never heard that one before.

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Cheers for the replies, i came home at 7pm and opened the letter then, i tried to call but they were closed.



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Sounds a bit strange and definitely worth calling. Just bear in mind that it could be some sort of elaborate scam so be wary if they start asking you for too many personal details.

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First thing i thought was a scam. The weirdest thing was i renewed my insurance on the 23rd of July and this incident happened on the 9th of July, there were no problems when i renewed and they gave me my extra years no claims. I have checked the number on the sheet and its the same as all the other correspondents from my insurance company.


Very strange, I'll let everyone know tomorrow what happens.



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Sure you may have thought of this already but best thing to do mate is use a contact number off their website or your other insurance documents so you can be sure it's definitely them you are talking to.

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Admin error.....policy number out by 1 digit. All sorted.


Makes you wonder doesn't it :?


Glad it's all sorted tho! :)

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Nice, well we had the mother of all admin errors at my place. Basically when a person dies and they leave their house to the executors of their estate, we have to change the name of the policy to "the executors of" whoever it happens to be until probate is completed. Unfortunately somebody, either deliberately or not, put a policy into the name of "the EXECUTIONERS of" and then the name of the person who had just died. Not good! :shock: One very unhappy family!


And then there was a lady whose first name was Virginia and the person who sold her the policy spelt her name (and I kid you not) V-A-G-I-N-A. Nice one! :thumbleft: :lol: :lol:

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:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Ok so i though this was all resolved, until this morning i get a letter from my broker telling me my no claims has been cut in half and i have to pay additional premiums of £123 in 7 days. :mad: WTF


The letter said there is a claim against me that is outstanding and that i have to pay up.


I phoned my broker and they said there was nothing they could do as it was an open claim and they wouldn't be able to refund me until it was resolved.


What makes it so crazy is the incident happened on the 9th of July, reported on the 23rd of July and reported again on the 1st of August.


I also phoned the insurance company and they said the same as my broker. What amazes me about all this is they couldn't tell me where the incident happened, what time of day, the other car involved, the damage anything. They only gave me the name of the person who made the claim and said that my car reversed into a parked car.


For all i know it could of happened in anywhere in the UK


How the hell can a company make you pay more money for something you didn't surely they have to wait till they can prove you guilty and then charge you.


The more frustrating thing is they said it would more likely take months not weeks to sort out.


Who can i speak to? What can i do?


I'm bloody angry.......just watch out people if someone says that you're car hit theirs and gives a registration number they will cut you're no claims in half and demand more premiums even if you were never involved in an accident.


Probably some stupid old bat who couldn't even read a damn number plate let along be allowed to drive on the road :mad:

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That's a load of BS! :mad2: If there was an accident your company surely would have to get in contact with you to discuss liability before any claim is made against you. I can't believe your insurers would pay out without getting your side of the story. The fact that there is no accident makes it 100 times worse. Refuse to pay a penny and as has already been suggested take everything you have been told and what you know to the financial ombudsman. Those two words strike fear into insurance companies. I don't know what's going on mate but I hope it gets resolved soon.

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