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VR6 Intermittent fault on Air Flow.

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Hi Guys anyone got any thoughts on this.


Every now and again I lose power completely. Engine still running, after about a second it comes back with full on power. Quite a jar to the car. It will do this every ten or twenty minutes. If I stop and "jiggle" the wires on top of the airflow meter the engine will behave perfectly for a few days before it starts off again.


Vag - Com gives the error "Wire to the Air Meter shorted intermittantly to earth"


I have replaced the airflow meter (and the cam position sensor) and had the wiring loom to the air flow meter checked by an auto electritian.


Im getting very p.....d off.


Can anybody help.



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Cheers, I am not convinced it is the ECU because "Jiggling" the wires at tha Airflow meter seems to cure this.


Thanks for the reply though.

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Sounds very similar to the problem i'm having at the moment....except I assumed it was down to other things. Haven't had mine on the diagnostic.....but upto now i've changed the dizzy (which was completely knackered), and the 109 relay. At first, thought i'd cured it but then it came back. :( I know this is totally unhelpful, but i'll be following this and hopefully someone will be along to help us out! :)

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So fix the wires at the MAF end then!

Too often, in my experience, is it found that the jiggling of the wires is a complete coincidence. :)

Until you or your electrician friend actually locate the fault, it could be anywhere between the MAF and the parts of the ECU that connect out to the wiring loom.

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