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Have I missed some New Rules on Motorway Driving?

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Trucks overtaking trucks? All about thinking-momentum - just like every other bit of w*nk driving on the roads today. Philosophy; it's better to drive the long way round, than to be in a jam going the short way round. And indicators - like LisaK said - when they bother to that is.


Re. courteous driving, if I'm letting someone in front of me or whatever, I usual order them to do it, therefore if they don't thank me, I'm not bothered. Tho my method is a practical one (driving momentum), rather than a will of good gesture.


And BMW drivers are (tw@ts) people too.

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Trucks overtaking trucks? All about thinking-momentum - just like every other bit of w*nk driving on the roads today. Philosophy; it's better to drive the long way round, than to be in a jam going the short way round. And indicators - like LisaK said - when they bother to that is.


Re. courteous driving, if I'm letting someone in front of me or whatever, I usual order them to do it, therefore if they don't thank me, I'm not bothered. Tho my method is a practical one (driving momentum), rather than a will of good gesture.


And BMW drivers are (tw@ts) people too.


Maybe im TOO polite and see them as gestures of good will. A thank you doesnt cost though does it. May be i should start ordering too, point at them then point to the space. :D YOU, THERE, NOW!

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I thought all the BMW drivers (cocks) were now driving Audis.

That's what Jeremy Clarkson said a few months back and he should know because he's the God of all drivers.....lol

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Yep, agreed with the whole indication thing. Seems people only use indicators when it suits them.


I.e. They can't be arsed to indicate when it's helpful to others - i.e. turning right at roundabouts and junctions, but can when it comes to barging into gaps that don't exist.


Another thing I've noticed recently is Mr and Mrs "My speed, My lane".


You know the types, Mrs X3 and Mr X5 drivers, low powered Merc saloons, etc etc..... they seem to like sitting in the overtaking lane at 90mph, even if the inside lane is clear. Heaven forbid should someone want to go faster than them in their lane! They just sit there, convinced they have the moral high ground, but are breaking the law themselves.


So I just undertake and go about my business and let them go about theirs.....

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overtaking lane

Exactly! It's an 'overtaking lane'! Why is it that these people think it's a 'fast lane'??


As far as the indicating thing, was talking to a mate the other day and he had been following a Merc SL AMG through Leeds, and the guy driving hadn't indicated at any roundabouts or junctions for a few miles. He ended up next to this guy at some traffic lights, and gestured him to wind down his window; "Alright mate, nice car! Expensive?" To which the guy replied "Yeah about £000's!" My mates response was "Well, for that much you'd think they'd fit f*cking indicators!" :rofl:

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My mates response was "Well, for that much you'd think they'd fit f*cking indicators!" :salute:


People that buy vehicles with xenon headlights and are then too tight to replace them when they fail! :bad-words: And then put the other side on 'beam' to compensate! :brickwall:

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pah i just read through this and i may not have been driving long but it always seems the same, even at 3am on the m1 you get a stream of cars travelling in the middle lane, i'm gonna get myself in trouble soon cos when a stereotypical bmw rep driver (i like the cars but the motorway manners of their drivers are ****) pulls out on me i will put all my lights on hold my horn down and let him know just how much of a cnut he really is, a bit of enthusiastic driving usually ensues cos i imagine they say to themself (through their surgically implanted bluetooth headset obviously :lol: ) 'what is that old vw doing in the bmw lane? i will show him what a real car is' thats when i love my vr... havent met a bmw yet thats willing to go faster than i will - hence i will probably get in trouble soon! saying that those new diesels are impressively fast so i think i need more power 8)


Andy how far did you block that bloke in the Merc for last night? :lol:


Ended up undertaking so much on the M25 coming back from Nomads last night!


Mind you in a lowered Rado with wide 17's the inside of the M25 can be a bit "sketchy" with the lorry ruts... However it gives my arms a rest, just letgo of the weheel and let the car drive itself a-la Scalelextrix (sp)

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