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Possible issues when taxing my car?

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My car has been SORN for 3 months roughly and I want it back on the road for 1st October, so I have arranged with the insurance company to swap the MK4(present drive) over to another policy and put the Corrado back on this one for 1st Oct.

The thing is that my unsurance policy is due for renewal on 6th October, so they have sent me a cover note for 6 days. I have been told that this will cause an issue when taking the documents to the post office to get the car taxed because the cover note needs to be for no less than 2 weeks....


Is this right?? Don't want to be stuck at the last minute in the post office not getting road tax if I can sort something else out just now in plenty of time. I hadn't heard of this before and presumed as long as I had a cover note it would be fine!


Anyone had this situation before?

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Not personally no due to the hours I'm working just now, but it was a Post Office worker who said the cover note had to be valid for more than 2 weeks when a friend was in taxing their car (they had 3 weeks left) and it was a passing comment which was made.


Not sure its at all correct though!

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If you've got a computerised MOT (probably have if it's been MOT'd this year - it's a computer print out rather than the olde hand-written jobs) then you can buy road tax online.


Just be aware that if the car has been previously SORN'd then if you buy tax online it'll back-date it to be start of the current month. So buy the tax after 1st Oct.

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The online taxing facility checks against the insurance database so the issue will still be there I think.


I'd agree and say dont think you're going to be abe to tax it on that short cover note but surely you'll be negotiating your next year's cover sometime before the day its due wont you? If you do it a week before the end of September then you'd be able to have received your new cover note before Oct 1. Then just take both cover notes with you when you go to tax it and you should be fine.

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yeah I was going to try getting the tax online like I normally do, but then found out I need to fill in one of the V10 forms because it has been SORN.


Think thats the best idea Dukest...is to make sure I also have the cover note for the new policy starting 6th with me too :)

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Why don't you ring the Post Office and ask - sorry but it seems the most logical thing to me to do.


Won't be taking time off work, will take 2 minutes, boss won't mind if you are putting in good, long hours, won't be wasting time in post office. Have accurate answer. ! (- always take person's name - ensures they have checked !!)


It's easy - We women are just so logical !! :lol:

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okay two things..


first, you cant tax a sorn vehicle more than 1 day in advance, so if its being insured from the 6th, you wont be able to tax it until the 5th.

second, you can tax a car on a 7 day insurance policy, so cant see why you cant do the same if you have a 6 day cover note covering from the first, especially if you would also be taking the annual policy with you.


RAC were recently offering a free 7 day cover, but that part of their site is down atm, worth checking again tomorrow though..

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Hi Wendy...I did also call the Post Office and unfortunately was told that I would need to bring all documentation to the Post office for them to look at before they could advise me!?! So I then called the main customer service line from the Post Office web site and was told that I would need to speak to my local Post office for this information......hopeless!!!


Also didn't know that you can't tax a sorn vehicle more than 1 day in advance. Thanks for that info bristolbaron :)

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