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Jim Bowen

Scirocco storms? worth much/rare? UPDATE pg3

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right, been to see the car now... all i can say is.....DUSTY :lol:


here's the pics, i don't know a great deal about them so not sure what to look for, i didn't see a storm badge on the rear end, forgot to get a pic of the rims


all the inside of boot was the same colour as the outside, so if it has been resprayed it's been done properly, (from what i could see with my bit of knowledge)



the front, was tucked away so couldn't look around it very well, (note the storm logo, wasn't my finger. honest)



the cleanest part was interior (is this a storm interior??)



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i really like it too, i would love to have it sprayed classic green and keep it with my corrado, but really can't afford it space/time/ or money


same with the guy who has it, i been trying to tell him to keep it and restore it, but he already has other cars/motorbikes as projects

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So er.. do I get first dibs then as I asked nicely if you're not interested? :)

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is that a real storm? is it worth much as a whole or in parts?


have yet to get it out, hose it down and check out the rust, as he said there is some.

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Wow superb find!


If it's rot-free then I'd have it mate! Even if the drivetrain is a sack of crap, it's cheap as chips to replace.


The steering wheel is definitely original (I freakin' love that wheel) but not sure if it was a Storm-only option or not (and even if that'd tell you it is or not).


Edit: Having read this it sounds like it's definitely not a Storm (wrong colour paint, no badges, wrong wheels, non-matching leather). Sounds like it's probably still a fully-loaded GLS tho and still a bargain!

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yeah, i could see no mention on it of it being a storm, no badges, shame i couldn't see the front end, thats the best part of them.


is also a mk1 golf there, but i didn't get to see that as its all wrapped up

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i'm his mate he is on about :lol:


i went to see it again yesterday, now its out of workshop and had a quick wash, would come up very nice with a proper polish/detail.


also appears to be dragon green? i can't see any evidence of a respray unless its been taken back to bare shell







engine, full of leafs and dust but everything is solid, no signs of a crash and minimal rust


in fact all the bodywork seems quite tidy


he isn't sure what to do with it now, i think he has cottoned on to the fact its worth a little bit of money to the right buyer, it may be going on ebay as is, or he may sort out a few bits first and sell it as a working car

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Worth £100 TBH... But doesn't scream Strom to me for some reason.. Maybe a GLi with leather?


OH ERIC!....................



Any-one seen Eric? :lol:

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I'd already said Eric was more than likely quite interested in it but I still can't work out whether 3corsameal actually wants to keep the bloody thing or not!

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thats what i was going to ask, is there any way of finding out its history, what model it is etc, i have the reg plate and can look at and numbers on the car

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Vin and V5 I guess.. The V5 would be a clincher...


Also I f you have the VIN IIRC VW uk will confirm specs etc for a small fee..


but then I'm probably wrong (I often am according to those who know me!)


Could try a feeler on the Scirocco register to see what to look for other than wheels/paint and leather as 2 of the 3 aren't there....

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been on the phone to chap with this scirrocco, he dug out log book and that says its a storm? i've not seen this, but thats what he is saying?


i think i will join a scirocco forum or something to investigate

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Phone VW with the reg number and ask them what it is, they should be able to tell you..


Looks like a cracking car, keep it and tidy it, Mk1s are cool as a cucumber..

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Wrong colour, wrong wheels, no badge... don't think it's a Storm.


It looks pretty rot-free tho so easily worth £100. Heck, if I had somewhere to put it I'd have it for that money.

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pic of the log book




i think the guy is thinking of keeping this, and getting it running, an mot etc then look into selling it.


like i say its never been up to me what happens to it, i just been helping found out what its worth, and what it is

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Hi mate, i didn't want to mention this as i feel bad about what happened, but was out of my control.


i asked him about 2-3weeks ago what has happened to it, and he scrapped it :! only kept the front splitter/spoiler bit.


he did add that it need 2 new sills and the boot floor needed welding (which i didn't know before)


even so i told him he is an idiot, he only got £70 for it, i reckon the wheels, interior and a few panels would of fetched at least triple that

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:shock: Right where's my Testicle rope he should hung..


Shame really a couple minutes of work putting it on here or Scirocco forum and would have probably been snapped up!


Bet the breakers have made 5x that just from the interior!

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i know, its a big shame really as looked nice, i even said if he gave up i'd have it to build some kinda track car from it or to learn a bit of engine work on :(


feck knows why he didn't keep the rims and interior? am sure even the glass would be worth something


if anyone is after a splitter then i can save that before he decides to chuck it :(

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Bet the breakers have made 5x that just from the interior!



he said they grabbed it off the back off his trailor with a big grabber thing that ripped through the car, so not even sure they keep any of it

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Brilliant. So despite loads of us asking to take the car away / buy it, he scrapped it anyway :| WTF is wrong with some people.

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