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To Buy A Corrado Or Not To?

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Hello FOlks,

I am soon to get my license and I recently became interested in the fine design and build of the Corrado and immediately became a fan of them. I am thinking of buying one for a first car but my questions are as follows:


-Are they very dependable?


-Is insurance expensive?


-Are they expensive to fix?


-Anything else I should know?


Also I am from US.

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Hello there,


Are they very dependable? No guarantees either way I'm afraid. I've had my G60 since April and all it's needed is a new battery so far. Although problems have started to surface now. Such as leaks and things. I would consider myself lucky on the reliability front.


Is insurance expensive? Dear god yes. Not sure how insurance works over in the US but the groups they are rated on for insurance purposes over here are obscene. Highest is VR6 Storm that is in group 19! :shock: (20 being the highest and is the realm of Astons and the like).


Are they expensive to fix? Depends what breaks but generally yes.


Anything else you should know? One of the best driving experiences ever in the world and certainly the best driving experience I've ever had. You will be sucked in....


Also check out the knowledge base. Loads of info there or search the forum for particular things.


And last but not least welcome to the forum! :D Whereabouts you from? I used to live in Lakeland Florida many years ago.

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Go on get one!! 8)

my valver is only my 2nd car but its the best driving experience ive ever had which becomes addictable!!

are they dependable in my case no but then thats part of the fun and i ve learnt loads in fixing her afterall she is 15yrs old

my main probs were heater matrix and head gasket both which cost around £800

Insurance for me has been pretty good this year around £500 but then thats for a valver

hope this helps but as said just go and buy one youll never look bck!!

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