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am saving to have my c resprayed it is currently alfa nuovolla blue,the body kit is going and want to respray it an original vag colour,has to be blue tho.does anyone hav pics of the differnt colour blues that vag do/did for the corrado? was thinkin an aqua pearl blue but want to see what other colours there are.any help greatly appreciated cheers andy

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I guess Mystic Blue isn't on that site because it was AFAIK a one-off colour for the blue UK Storm model (unlike the classic(?) green which was available on other cars).


Its up to you of course (and obviously would be none of their business :)), but because of that uniqueness, bear in mind that some people might get a bit sniffy about "trying to make a car look like a Storm"...

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true i do appreciate that it was only on the storm model but i love that colour,its either gona get resprayed in the alfa nuovolla blue that it is now or changed to a proper vag colour,opinions please

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Why not get a VAG colour but with a different tint in to make it stand out? I've just had mine resprayed in aqua blue pearl but as the body shop mixed the colour themselves (I think most do anyway?) it seems to have a hint more purple in it than usual and can even look kind of blackberry-esque in the light

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ill be buying the paint from autopaint international and then supplying it to the place that will be spraying it, think its deff gona be the ice grey pearl violet tho. i think its an awesome colour, would like to see your colour tho as aqua blue was also a colour i had considered...

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IceyGhay gets my vote... or White...



WOW! Irish Green Pearl! Yipes! A brave owner to have that out the box...




Any-one got any decent pics of the Khaki pearl effect colour?

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alright matey am a painter by trade so ill have a look at all the blues,an let u know the codes an names if u after a certen colour blue on a corrado if it nehelp to you.iam painting mine that aflfa colour but keeping every think else standard.would be gud if u could send some pics of your corrado.cheers matey.

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will post a pic up but its such a hard colour to get phots of, it always looks either silver white or sky blue,can never get the silver/gold tint in i. whereabouts are you as it would be best for you to see the paint in person....

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its a nice colour dude, im hopefully getting it resprayed soon and dont know whether to keep it the alfa blue or go back to an original vag colour and have it sprayed ice grey pearl violet am probably gona go with the ice grey...... what c u got dude?

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