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Jim Bowen

Odd sounds after fitting suspension - UPDATE, ARB

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am sure you've seen my threads all over the forum, but all my bits are fitted to car and i now have a couple of strange noises


1. rear suspension is creaky, when you get out of car it creaks and when you stand there and push/pull up/down on car the rear creaks. I did a search and someone says that you should slacken rear bolts off and retighten them, can i do all that with car on the ground?


2. when turning off roads and onto driveways, the front steering makes a funny twanging/metalic sound, this is when wheels are at different levels due to ground/dropped kerb and your turning at same time?? sounds like the springs moving to me

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Mine also creaks at the rear, just never got round to sorting it out :lol: but yeah i believe that you shouldnt do the rear suspension bolts up too tight with the wheels off the floor, so leave them loose ish and then put the car down on and then tighten the bolts up.


When you say it sounds like a spring is moving that could be top mount related. My problem was at low speeds turning the steering i got a clunking sound which sounded like the springs turning as the steering was turning, it turned out to be the top mount bearing in upside down so the bearing wasn't doing its job. Changed it over (well replaced with a newer mk4 golf one) and all is silent now.

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i've got the early style top mounts and they could only go in one way, i thought it was them at first but not sure it is


what bolts on the rear is it, at the bottom?

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i'll keep this in here rather than make another thread


got under car, it wasn't handbrake, i loosened said bolts off, and retightened with car on ground, sprayed some WD40 and creaking has gone.


but checked out my ARB and not sure its sitting right, i remember when fitting it didn't seem to want to turn any more...see pics





is this important? half tempted to take ARB off and sell as i can't tell the difference it made due to fitting everything at once

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no they fit well, just that the bar is wonky, it wouldn't twist around on the axle mountings any further to get the bit of bar shown level, if that makes any sense :lol:

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The mounting of that ARB looks dodgy - definitely not as good as the neuspeed.

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its the weitec one, like i say i'm not sure what its doing as fitted suspension and all new steering parts at same time.


another little thing i've noticed :lol:




the brass coloured plate with nut in the middle spins around quite easily by hand is that right? am sure it didn't do it when suspension was first fitted


handling still seems a little scary sometimes, its fine up to 60mph, then cornering at 80mph is quite unsettled

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Had same with mine. When id fitted my front suspension, the top plates seem to turn and tilt when the steering wheel is turned. Not sure if that is right, as i never got a response. Any ideas? Sorry to thread jack.

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i'm waiting for a 22mm socket to arrive then i'm going to investigate, am sure they didn't do it straight after suspnension was fitted and handling seems better but still a bit of a fight with the front end


plus i seem to of knackered a wheel bearing somehow, hasn't been on car long?

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3corsameal I have a long 22mm slotted socket, a long handled allen key and a torque wrench. I'm based in Harlow and if you want to pop down we can tighten them up properly :)

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I've seen/heard this a couple of times before, and each time it was due to a threaded bush that wasn't re-fitted when fitting the new suspension.


Circled in red in the pic. Part number: 171412369

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it looks like my suspension is coming off again then :lol:


thanks for the offer (chap in harlow) but i already had a go last night and got some odd results


only had a socket and the nut tightened a bit then started turning everything with it as i didn't have an allen key, went for a drive and had some horrid noises, lots of twanging etc, so came home and tried to slacken them off but it wouldn't, the whole lot just spun the other way, but its made the noise go away when driving


im tempted to find other springs that fit with later top mounts

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i've decided to change to Pi springs now :lol:


so if anyone is interested in some weitec springs let me know, they only been on car for a few hundred miles

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I've seen/heard this a couple of times before, and each time it was due to a threaded bush that wasn't re-fitted when fitting the new suspension.


Circled in red in the pic. Part number: 171412369




This sounds about right..just went over the dirtiest pothole known to man, and has caused a constant creak. What an arse of a job... cheers dec 8)

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hmm mine also does the twanging thing when steering, but id put it down to the lwoering spring caps . . . hmmm


im gonna take mine to bits tomorrow and investigate, although a few weeks back i did spray a lpoad of spray lube around under the top plate and it shut the twanging up for a week or so, then it came back . . . so maybe the bearing is dry or something. ill keep you posted if i find anything weird.

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i reckon the suspension turrents on the car may be different on early and late corrados


not sure, just a guess, can't really work out what was wrong with mine

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