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Jim Bowen

Door drop?

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i'm always telling folk not to lean or put downward weight on my doors when they open but they don't listen.


lately my doors seem to catch the sill very slightly when shutting them, is only a tiny amount, i grabbed pass door and pulled it up gently which has stopped that side from rubbing. but the drivers door seems loose, its knocks if you lift it up and down


is this something just needed adjusting?

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Cant really adjust it pal, but the C doors are prety damn heavy anyway. What i did was loosen the top bolt and slide an n-shaped shim between the hainge and the frame to pull the door up to normal. You may need to replace the door hinge pins though. If so, make sure you oil and grease tehm well.

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I've had some shims made up at work. Let me know if you want to try some. They worked a treat for me but I guess it depends on how much the door has dropped.

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thanks guys, i'll investigate whats up a bit more this weekend


spose its a great excuse to go for lambo doors :lol:




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