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Banana Man


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Right just recieved info on the campsite near the showground.

Camping Information Sheet & Terms and Conditions



1. Facilities


On site there will be toilet facilities provided, drinking water, outside catering in the evenings and mornings and a licensed bar open on both evenings, Friday, 9th May & Saturday, 10th May.

The campsite is situated only a few minutes drive from the GTI showground which is well signposted to and from the campsite.


2. Prices


Price per pitch (based on 2 adults) £10 per night

Additional adults sharing £2 per person per night

The price of the pitch entitles you to one tent or caravan plus one car.


3. Arrival and Departure


You can arrive on site from 12:00pm to 10:00pm on the date of arrival. Pitches must be vacated by 12:00pm on the day of departure. When pitching, please ensure that you are at least 6 metres away from all other units.


4. Bookings and Payment


All bookings must be made in advance. There will be no admittance on site to anyone without the appropriate paperwork.

The booking is only confirmed once payment is made in full. Tickets, maps and an information sheet will be issued on receipt of a cheque. All cheques to be made payable to ‘Wantisden Valley’.


5. Cancellations


Any cancellations must be given in writing at least seven days prior to your arrival date. Any cancellations after this time will receive no refund on their booking.


6. Minimum Age


We can only accept bookings for parties where there is at least one person aged 18 years or over.


7. Conditions


Wantisden Valley is not liable for any loss or damage to your property and in making a booking with us you free and relieve Wantisden Valley of any claim arising out of this booking.

Wantisden Valley reserves the right to refuse anyone admission or ask them to leave the site at any time if they do not abide to levels of behaviour deemed respectable.



Who's up for it??? ITS GOT A BAR :drinking: :D a tenner a night has got to be worth it!!!

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yep, I'm in, got the forms yestertag. Ant, assume from above that u not aiming at putting in a block booking? Was wondering if we can get our bookings co-ordinated so's we can form a circle? Perhaps we can confirm who's going before the day & ask the site if thats poss - otherwise I'll just book myself tomorrow

what you guys think?

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I was going to do a group booking but it looks like most people want to book individually. In the end there is no set spot on the campsite it's first come first pitch sort of thing so unless we all arrive at the same time we might be scattered across the site. tell ya what I havent sent my form off yet so whoever wants to do a group booking let me know either by p.m or a reply on this thread and I will wait till next tuesday to book whoevers on the list I will advance book it as long as I recieve the money of course I'm a bit skint at the moment so I will need the money up front it's only £20 for the 2 nights does this sound reasonable!!!

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banana man - Ant, are you still contemplating doing a group booking, or are we doing our own thing?

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I think we've left it too late in the day to do a group booking Chris as its only 4-5 weeks away I'm still a bit stuck for a tent though as my one has decided to develop a nice big hole in it :shock: I think it'll have to be a quick ebay buy to get meself a new one :D I ve got my place on the G60powered stand for both days so I'll have to sort out the camping this week to make sure theres still room for me!! :D

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Ant, OK m8 best I get on with it then. Let me know if u want to share, or I can probably get another out of our exped stores - I'll check it out with them tomorrow

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If you could sort me out a tent for the weekend that would be great I dont really want to buy one as it wont get used and end up like the last one!!! are they nice army como'd ones, 2 sticks and a sheet of green material :D

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The tents are out at pres so not sure what type they are & the stores chap who looks after them is away till 14th. I'll sort it then & let you know; don't worry, I will get some but they do not come with field kitchen & chef.

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Alright chris just to let you know the tent aint needed now mate I got a billy bargain off e bay for £20 for a brand new 3 man dome :D .



Who's going up on the friday and where are you coming from as I have got the day off so I can leave whenever it would be nice to meet up before and convoy down there so all us c owners can pitch near each other :D

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OK Ant, no worries. (I think one of my posts on this seems to have got lost) I'm taking friday off as well so can try & link up somewhere on the way.

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