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Jedi-Knight's new M3... page 11

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VT front mount is in now and enigne is sitting nicely...doesnt feel like any extra vibration so i dont know what all the fuss was about to be honest :roll:


Good aren't they!


Throw the car into a tight bend and you should feel the mount hold the engine better, but you need the rear one and a solid rubber gearbox mount to get the full benefit....

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MoonlightVR, not finished yet unfortunately...soon though soon! :lol: exhaust is now on and sounds great!! highly recomended


Body work starts tomorrow...will be ready mid week :lol:


kevhaywire, to be honest i dont notice the enigne mount atall....which is perfect..i was worried about vibration but there is no extra whatsoever


braking feels a little sharper??? maybe...maybe its just me though?

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been in the body shop since monday morning :( ..... in my mums crappy nissan micra still :mad:


cant wait to get it back especially as it will be all clean and nice :D time to order my P21S i think

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been in the body shop since monday morning :( ..... in my mums crappy nissan micra still :mad:


cant wait to get it back especially as it will be all clean and nice :D time to order my P21S i think


Heh heh, just think yourself lucky that you're not in a crappy 306 diesel ;)


I ordered some P21S stuff and you definitely get lots for your money (compared with Zy/Swissol)


It'll be worth it once you get it back though :)


I would leave your paintwork for a good few weeks before trying to polish it up though, fresh paint won't take too kindly to some hard buffing (ooh err!)

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all done :mrgreen:


£450 all in which isnt too bad for all the work that was done.


pick it up tomorrow morning and i'll upload pics tomorrow


goodbye crappy micra...hello corrado :mrgreen:

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right, back from the body shop...very please as usual with my friends work!


I have updated page 3 with the before and after shots...here are some general shots of the car.







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thanks guys....the paintwork was a bargin....guess its one of the benefits of having a dad that has been in the car trade for over 25 years! you get to know all kinds of helpfull people :mrgreen:


still not mint though :roll: i have a couple more things i need to do.... suspension has developed a knocking at the rear :mad: and i still have the 288 mm brakes to fit and the lights to finish and the wheels to refurb and......etc etc etc..it never ends :lol:

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Tres bien. Your Rado is looking bloomin great mate! You must be chuffed with it now all the work has been done on it? :)

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yep :mrgreen: i cant believe how much i have spent on it though :shock: whoops.. better not tell my girlfrind what it all cost other wise she'll start wanting some more expensive presents or something :lol:

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Yeah your C looked pretty darn nice when you came over 8)


Some very nice pics of it out in the middle of nowhere too. Top marks all round! :D

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Looking superb jedi-knight83. Nice pics too. Now that i have just bought a digital camera on my travels i must start taking a few pics myself!!

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picked up the new car today. had a 5 hr drive back from newton abbot to get used to it. its really rather good. lovely ride comfort and its not too slow either... just different to the corrado.. thats all i'll say..


i managed to take it on some of my well known favorite roads on the way back.....and despite what others have suggested..i still had a grin on my face at the end of the stretch of road :mrgreen:


more pics at the weekend.


th_JediS3.jpg | th_JediS31.jpg | th_JediS32.jpg | th_JediS33.jpg

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