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Corrado on Top Gear!

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Wot did you think about the works mini? 200 brake in a mini!!! and supercharged thats got to be pretty quick :shock:



what about the 275bhp one? :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Richard May (guy with the long hair) isn't that bad.. he does come out with some funny stuff sometimes. His article on the new Subary Legacy last week had me in stitches when he was taking the pi$$ out of the 'upper class'.


I think they work together as a group pretty well :)

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Did anyone notice the 'Corrado' style spoiler on the Bentley COntinental last week?



well it is a big VW afterall :wink: :p :lol: :lol:


Yep :) Does it have the W12 engine? With twin turbos? 8)


EDIT: And how does it get 275 bhp through the wheels???

He said something like it's just approaching its limit!

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Wot did you think about the works mini? 200 brake in a mini!!! and supercharged thats got to be pretty quick


i've driven the regular Cooper S and it goes like stink!

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Spoke to one of the researchers on Driven (the Channel 4 show in case you're wondering) about a year ago, apparently he was really keen on the Corrado VR6, so maybe there's hope yet for an article whenever the next series starts...


TBH, I would have sold him mine had I won that Evo VII :evil:



'93 Aqua blue VR6

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i dont understand why they just didnt show that pic on the next episode and jus gave the lambos more time :cry:

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i dont understand why they just didnt show that pic on the next episode and jus gave the lambos more time :cry:


speaking of which just how cool was that kermit the frog green Muira 8) 8) 8) damn sexy beast

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ohhh yeah why the hell did they miss out the finest lambo????????????


countach is prob vey slightest my fav though behind the SE 94/95. Or is the other way round !!!

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For the benefit of those who don't subscribe to the Yahoo! group, one of the members was at the studio filming yesterday (showing on Sunday).


On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 09:18, Amit wrote:

> Top Gear was a good day and the C came out trumps!!


> They've got a new Classic or Crock Wall (bit like the cool or uncool)

> and the C, along with a Merc 190E Cosworth went into the Classic

> section, but we already knew that.


> Guest on the show was Simon "I'm a twat" Cowell in the reasonably

> priced car. I won't spoil it for all you.


> Amit


Apologies to Amit, (I know you're on here), just thought others would like to know...



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Apologies to Amit, (I know you're on here), just thought others would like to know...




No probs mate, was a good day apart from the standing for 5hrs!!


Actually arrived bout 10 mins after the gate closed, even after driving like an idiot - was affraid they wouldn't let us in, prepeared a bs story and everything but they were cool.

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so is anyone gonna get the footage captured, and uploaded? I think it was Jim who was talking about doing it (well, his mate)?


The articles gonna be short, but they usually fit alot into them, alot of background info etc.


I can't stand the presenters when they are together, they come up with some good/scripted one liners when reviewing the cars, but when they get back to the studio its more wooden than Eastenders (and thats saying something), bring back Tiff and Quentin :D



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