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Mcr VR6

Personal Plates

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I've seen a couple of nicely kept corrado's with personal plates, but its always a fine line between looking tacky and looking trim


whats general opinion.




and is it better or worse if you go for a plate that matches the car? like 'VR06 xxx' plates that can be had nowadays for £300 - £400ish


i cant decide



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i think it depends a bit on if your cars plate is "ugly" to start with! i think some letters and numbers go better together than others..


that said i actually quite like the original plate on my car but the dvla site kept calling me to spend money!! :lol:

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I've seen a couple of nicely kept corrado's with personal plates, but its always a fine line between looking tacky and looking trim


whats general opinion.




and is it better or worse if you go for a plate that matches the car? like 'VR06 xxx' plates that can be had nowadays for £300 - £400ish


i cant decide




You may not know but, you cant put a plate on a car that makes it appear younger, so you could not have VR06......

As far as having one, I think its fine, I have 3 :lol:

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Like mine lots, cost £500 from DVLA all in and the one it replaced was N85 MGF which was on the car when i bought it by the way was sold on for £385 :) so all together with fees and retention for it I paid just £225 for what is the ultimate plate for me.


Even my dad was impressed and thats sayin something Lol!

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I've got 100 VWX which I like as it's dateless and has the VW bit in it. I'm not a fan of mis spacing the letters though or plates that are trying to be something they're not e.g VRG for VR6!

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Coz of that stupid car I'm stuck with Bojmobile for usernames and email address all over the place!


I shoulda kept the plate when I got my VR6!

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I've got 100 VWX which I like as it's dateless and has the VW bit in it. I'm not a fan of mis spacing the letters though or plates that are trying to be something they're not e.g VRG for VR6!


Only plate my car has ever had is N8 VRG.... can blame VW for that one!


You probably won't like my plate on my polo then either paul. D11 BNV. A little bit of illegal spacing and a dodgy number plate screw and hey presto, DUB NV. Just a shame that D reg plates are expensive. £799 all in from the DVLA.

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i can personally think of better ways of spending money!!! but hey its a free country :)


Definitely. I've never seen the point of cars that have numberplates that cost the same as the car itself!

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i can personally think of better ways of spending money!!! but hey its a free country :)


If we were all against quirky spending sprees none of us would own Corrados :)

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i can personally think of better ways of spending money!!! but hey its a free country :)


If we were all against quirky spending sprees none of us would own Corrados :)


too true :)

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Definitely. I've never seen the point of cars that have numberplates that cost the same as the car itself!


Have seen a really "expensive" plate on something really cruddy.. a Lada!


But was in Middle of London.. so could be a "Plate mule*" until his/hers Lambo/Ferrari/Roller/Porsche etc turned up?


* All plate transfers have to be from and to "roadworthy" cars don't they? I.e. MOT/TAX/INS??

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a plate can be put onto retention i.e its legally yours but not on a car, BUT to take it off a car and put onto retention costs about £120 and then it costs another £80 to put it back onto the next car! when it would only cost £80 to shift it from one car to anther, Most gayest of the DVLA to come up with that! :S

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I'd rather spend the money on something to make mine go faster...


Never ashamed of how old my car is. When I bought it, a mate's mum asked "Why have you sold one M reg car and bought another M reg car?"


Answer: This one goes much faster...

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You may not know but, you cant put a plate on a car that makes it appear younger, so you could not have VR06.....


Aha, didnt know that. I was looking at 'VR06 WOW' and 'CO55 ADO' but dont think I would have gone for either really. The car could use the £500+ elsewhere better!


Didnt think about the cost when changing cars either with retentions etc.


If I had a C that I took to shows I would defo want CO55 ADO, its quality! But if it cant be done...


That leaves my other potential plate which makes no sense when you look at it, but if you see me in yr rear view mirror it makes sense!! haha. Got the idea off a bus number plate, when I read it in my mirror it was saying LOSER at me! (R350 LUY or something, backwards)



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My plate is H*** VWY and i was toying with the idea of spacing it so the Y was away from the VW but i hear the old bill are being a bit arsey about things like that.

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I'm pleased I have a genuine G60 plate - only bought it a couple of years ago for the grand sum of £160 including the retention fee :lol:

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I've never 'got' personalised plates. It just seems like another way to add fake value onto something and extract yet more money from the overstretched motorist.


Like Carl says, there are plenty more things i'd rather spend the money on actually ON the car! :)

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completely understand the view of spending money elsewhere on the car (my choice so far), but if you have a minter, I think it can be nice finishing touch. I guess it's also an easy way for us all to recognise each other at meets - I'm sure I'm not the only one who has identified new faces by seeing the reg on the car they arrived in, lol!

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I'd rather spend the money on something to make mine go faster...


Never ashamed of how old my car is. When I bought it, a mate's mum asked "Why have you sold one M reg car and bought another M reg car?"


Answer: This one goes much faster...


altho a private reg is something that never needs repairing :p costs nothing to run(unles you change cars alot) and stays with you forever! :)

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