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My Corrado just won me over...

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I want to open this up by saying how lucky I am that there was minimal ice on the road, that I know how to drive, and even though Im not Christian and don't believe in God, I think something was watching over me tonight. This might be jumbled because I'm still shaking very badly and I'm having trouble processing everything.


I was driving home from the grocery store about 30 minutes ago. I neared an intersection with a green light. I was in the right lane, and there was an SUV sitting next to me in the left lane. I see a car approach the intersection to make a right turn. They stop, so I don't think anything of it.


Wrong. As I enter the intersection stupid moron decides to pull into my lane. I slam on my brakes, hit the clutch, the horn, and yank it hard into the left lane. I make it in without hitting the other car and manage to fall behind the SUV. But what I didn't see was that ther was someone behind that. I didn't hit them because they saw it happenng and slowed, thank God. I swerve back into the right lane and feel my car go into a slide. I quickly yank the wheel around to correct it and I get it straightened out and back into control.


To cool my nerves I decide to go and wash my car. As I pull into the car was, the attendant comes to my window. "This got one of those VR6's in it?" He asks. "Nope, it's a G60" I say, still shaking, as I fish money out of my wallet. "Whats this sound like poppin' 3k?" I goose it to 4k. "Sounds like a chainsaw runnin' up." We joke and I tip the dude a $5.


And then I get back to my room. I call my dad to tell him my story, and of course all I get is a "You should've been more careful and tried to stop" lecture. I didn't even get a "glad you're okay" or anything.

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Glad you're ok mate.


Though I got the same with my dad once.


I have to swerve out at 70mph once when I was in the right hand lane of a dual carriage way because of a moron who wanted to change direction, very very late. If I had hit the brakes rather then do a complete swerve around him, I'd have not been here today typing this. God knows how I didn't hit the barrier either.. Still got the image in my head of his cars front end as I passed it at 70mph missing it by less than a metre :(


My dad said to me "One day you'll learn" :roll:


This was after I told him and I was almost crying, didn't drive for a week after it happened.


But that said, even though it wasn't your fault, at least you'll be more cautious about these type of close-calls.

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It's moments like that - that slow you down over the years. I used to tear about everywhere but I'm much more cautious these days. You only have to get it wrong once. Nobody was hurt and you'll remember this for a good long while.


You feeling ok now?

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I'm still a bit shaken up, but I'm feeling better.


I also used to tear around, but when I had my first serious accident last January I really slowed down. Tonight I was doing the speed limit of 40mph. Much more and it probably would've had a different outcome.

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there is nothing quite like a close call to help you slow down......when i was young (and stupid) i overtook a really slow guy on a windy country road....blind bend down a hill 60mph , 4 people in the car....went over the brow of the hill and the road was off to the left :lol: .....BIG sideways with the back end off the road....passengers screaming......me holding steering wheel like a vice.

if anyone was coming the other way we were off the road and down a quite steep drop....and in a nova i think we would have been toast.....my legs were shaking for a couple of hours afterwards......as were my ears :lol:

i'm sure some of my fellow scots will know the road.......aberfoyle to callander


glad your ok mate

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I had a spin out a few months back. Was going down a slip road from one carriageway to the next, hit the corner at 60, shouldnt have been doing more than 30. Hence the back end swung out, hit the gravel at the side backwards, bounced a lil, car spun again hit the barrier. Dent my front wing.


Happens to everyone at some point i guess

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there is nothing quite like a close call to help you slow down......when i was young (and stupid) i overtook a really slow guy on a windy country road....blind bend down a hill 60mph , 4 people in the car....went over the brow of the hill and the road was off to the left :lol: .....BIG sideways with the back end off the road....passengers screaming......me holding steering wheel like a vice.

if anyone was coming the other way we were off the road and down a quite steep drop....and in a nova i think we would have been toast.....my legs were shaking for a couple of hours afterwards......as were my ears :lol:

i'm sure some of my fellow scots will know the road.......aberfoyle to callander


glad your ok mate


Tis a nice road that :lol:

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If its any consolation I was about 2 inches from being run over this afternoon as I crossed the road to get to the VW garage. Idiot just gunned it towards me.

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If its any consolation I was about 2 inches from being run over this afternoon as I crossed the road to get to the VW garage. Idiot just gunned it towards me.


Hitman maybe? :lol:


Thanks for all the stories guys. It's the morning after and I'm still a wee bit shaken, but I'm definately doing better. It would've made my heart break to see one of the few G60's that still runs go down.

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Lucky escape! Glad to hear this version of the story rather than the other possible alternative(s).

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Sorry to hear you had a close one - its' not nice at all. There really is no accounting for the way some people drive.


A while ago, I was driving along, minding my own business, came to a mini roundabout and a lad skidded out in front of me, not even glancing in my direction!!!! Had I not of already slowed down a little (it's a roundabout with not much visibility until you're right on it) there would have definitely been a collision :shock:

With the 'fight' part of my 'fight or flight' reflex in full swing, I followed him and gave him a very colourful peice of my mind when he stopped :lol: :lol: :lol: Him looking red faced and about to cry kind of made me feel better, I hope the experience will make him think twice next time!!!!!

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