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megasquirt help needed (NEW VIDEO ADDED!)

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how much throttle was you giving it when you were trying to start it? i found on mine it was a bit dodgy when using the pedal so i wound the throttle screw out til the tps said about 18 percent. made things a bit more consistent. im not sure if the g60s have a throttle screw though. Out of curiosity did you wire your isv up to MS

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yeah g60's have a throttle screw.

can't remember which way is to close it and which way is to open it.

I will have a bash with it.

I'm reading up on air control now actually.

I'm going to try changing some of my idle pwm settings.

isv is connected to db37 pin 30.

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Are you using MS1 or 2? If you post the config file up I'll have a quick look as well and see if anything looks different to the settings I used.

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i think hes using ms2? his map is on the previous page i think not sure if its his most recent though. I took mine out on its first proper outing today - the car is a power house!!! :D i cannot stop grinning!

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yeah,using ms2.

The things I'm most concerned with our the ignition settings.

in particular cranking trigger and spark rise.

what settings have you gents used?

I'm a bit concerned about the health of my coil.


I 4got you had squirt'd your g mondy. :)

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im not using an pwm idle valve, just an auxillary air valve. work pretty well


pinched this from somebody elses, might come in handy - think its off a g60 also



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I reckon we should stickify this thread and change the title, its all good reference material and generally a couple of three people wil be using it?? What do you reckon guys??

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yea i say yes, although im going to make a proper ms write up very very soon! hows is yours coming along dirty torque? my car newarly caught fire 2 days ago! Went over a large pothole and i dont know how but a wire snagged(just so happened to be the 12v that runs to the ms relay box!)it grounded out n caught fire! burnt through my headlight relay and my oil pressure feed! crazy i know. thought ms would have been dead but it survived! managed to get it home and im gunna spend the weekend re routing wires using some convoluted tubing to protect every cable. Suppose i learnt my lesson!

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whoa,thats nasty ...

How did you put it out?? :shock:


I have some tidying up to do myself but im still trying to get a consistsent start.

I was de-railed by a blown ignition driver(vb921) and a faulty isv(I think i blew my last one up. :grin: .

Back on the case now.

What ASE are you using 45% to 25 % over 250 to 100 cycles?



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i used my sleeve of my jacket and my mouth to blow it out lol! was pretty scary at the time!


im using 50% additive enrichment over 500 cycles - bit on the high side but i havent had a chance to tune it down yet

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No spark. :scratch:


Or at least it is very very intermittent.

I attached a timing light to the ignition wire between coil and dizzy and it lit up twice,each time the engine simultaneously rumbled but then no more spark.

I have checked the ignition cct and its fine.

I get a nice square wave at the output of the vb921(I have a scope) and the ignition led fires ok.

Also I have a new vb921 ignition driver chip installed and all looks ok on the stim.


So i'm thinking it has to be something with the car.?!?

I checked the resistance of the ht lead between the dizzy and the coil and it was 900 ohms.

In the bentley it says it should be between 4-6 k ohms.

So I am hoping that that is the prob.

In summary,no spark no joy. :(

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you may have cooked the coil mate, i think in the haynes manual they have tests you can do to check

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nah i've checked that.


to be continued...


Why don't you plug in your old ecu and loom to see if it still fires? I know you set it up so you could plug straight back in. Or am I missing something, or is it not that simple!

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nah i've checked that.


to be continued...


Why don't you plug in your old ecu and loom to see if it still fires? I know you set it up so you could plug straight back in. Or am I missing something, or is it not that simple!


I had to deviate from that plan slightly although I should only take me half an hour or so...

Not quite ready to go that route yet.

yes i am very stubborn sometimes.


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silly question but is your vb921 insulated off the heatsink? i had intermittent spark when mine wasnt. i kno they dont mention it in the mega manual but it worked for me!

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No its not.

It hasn't got the metal plate behind it so I didn't bother as it didn't say to in the manual.


Tried new ht lead still same.

Intermittent and weak spark.

I put my timing light on my golf and disco'd the fp relay just to reassure myself that the timing light was working and u get strong regular pulses when the engine is cranking.

With ms I do not.


Well its worth a try thanks I'll give it a go.

Cheers Wayne.

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well i'm sure you gathered from the silence that that didn't work.

Those devices are insulated so it shouldn't make a difference anyway.

Weird it caused you(wayne) a problem.

Anyway I convinced myself that there were no wiring or MS faults so I used a coil from a mark3 golf temporarily and I now have spark,and it starts now very consistently.

I had already changed the coil for one from gsf and so that is why i dismissed Waynes sugestion that the coil was faulty.

I should no better than to get vital components from there :shrug:

Anyway I have spark and start.

I just can't get the thing to idle.

i've tried various afterstart enrichment schemes and fidle with advance,afr and ve tables.

I even tweaked the base required fuel value which helped a bit but still no glory.

Its a tad fresh out so I have come in to warm up.


Todays main log file was too big to post up,this one was one of my early starts this morning.

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well i'm sure you gathered from the silence that that didn't work.

Those devices are insulated so it shouldn't make a difference anyway.

Weird it caused you(wayne) a problem.

Anyway I convinced myself that there were no wiring or MS faults so I used a coil from a mark3 golf temporarily and I now have spark,and it starts now very consistently.

I had already changed the coil for one from gsf and so that is why i dismissed Waynes sugestion that the coil was faulty.

I should no better than to get vital components from there :shrug:

Anyway I have spark and start.

I just can't get the thing to idle.

i've tried various afterstart enrichment schemes and fidle with advance,afr and ve tables.

I even tweaked the base required fuel value which helped a bit but still no glory.

Its a tad fresh out so I have come in to warm up.


Todays main log file was too big to post up,this one was one of my early starts this morning.


That's just typical isn't it. It's the sort of thing that makes you start looking over your shoulder and getting paranoid about life. You change to MS and do all the complicated stuff and then you get stitched up by your coil and then by a 2nd gsf one and you think WTF give me a break!

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well i'm sure you gathered from the silence that that didn't work.

Those devices are insulated so it shouldn't make a difference anyway.

Weird it caused you(wayne) a problem.

Anyway I convinced myself that there were no wiring or MS faults so I used a coil from a mark3 golf temporarily and I now have spark,and it starts now very consistently.

I had already changed the coil for one from gsf and so that is why i dismissed Waynes sugestion that the coil was faulty.

I should no better than to get vital components from there :shrug:

Anyway I have spark and start.

I just can't get the thing to idle.

i've tried various afterstart enrichment schemes and fidle with advance,afr and ve tables.

I even tweaked the base required fuel value which helped a bit but still no glory.

Its a tad fresh out so I have come in to warm up.


Todays main log file was too big to post up,this one was one of my early starts this morning.


That's just typical isn't it. It's the sort of thing that makes you start looking over your shoulder and getting paranoid about life. You change to MS and do all the complicated stuff and then you get stitched up by your coil and then by a 2nd gsf one and you think WTF give me a break!


yeah gsf really gave me a bum steer.

I had a much better time tonight.I was almost enjoying it.

The problem is definitely air and lack/or too much of.

When i make changes to the idle control or fiddle with the idle bleed screw it seems to affects how easily the car starts and how long the car idles.

None of the fueling changes seem to make any difference.

I had some of my best runs tonight,i.e ran for several seconds.

And it starts everytime now.





ho hum. :)

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i havent looked at ms for a lttle while im a bit rusty. your pulsewidths look a tad high when you start so it maybe rich. from the log it seems that start nicely and as soon as it comes out cranking and onto your map it starts to die. Id try lowering you ve numbers around that idle area to see if it makes a difference. What firmware are you running?

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