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24v renshaws car

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Any Tom, Dick & Harry can get hold of tools but it's about having ze skillz to do it properly cheedik..... :cuckoo:


These amazing Rado's your on about, any build threads on them mate? Get a link up on the build threads and their appreciation society will follow........ Will that please you boss? :salute:




Welcome sir 8)


I don't have the time or inclination to trawl through the gallery threads for the purpose of settling a dispute with you, but have a browse through our Members Gallery at your own leisure and bask in the delights of many tasty vehicles, such as:-






CorradoVR6 NOS


No offense to anyone who I've left out, but they spring to mind first as well engineered projects, all done by the owners.


And if you like the showey stuff, there is of course:-






Plus of course there's the rear engined 24v turbo corrado that Schimmel built etc.


Loads of nice cars.....but they're not standing on a stage, bigging themselves up with a megaphone. When was discretion and modesty banned in the scene then?

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Anyone can have an amazing show car if they hand over their cheque book to a tuning/styling company like most people who actually win prizes do. Doing it yourself is a different story.

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OK. I have been quietly watching this thread after someone pointed me in the direction of it and I have to say how dissapointed I am.


This forum was always a great place for me to discuss my love for Corrados and the mods/conversions I did to mine and other peoples cars.

I built the Corrado for me. Yes I took it to shows for people to see what I had done as I was proud of it, but I drove it every single day too and from work and used it as a car. It was not built as a "show car" it just got recognition at a show when I finished it and I was asked to have a mag feature done on it.


Kev - I have to say I am the most dissapointed with your responses as I have always been impressed with what you have done/had done to your car and you always talked to me on a level at meets etc.. Why you seem to be sighting me as some sort of glory hunter or something I do not understand, as anyone who knows me will know I am not like that.


Vik is a freind of mine as I was pleased when he bought the car as I know it will be well looked after and used as it should be. What he does with it is up to him, if he wants to show it, rally it, track it whatever I don't mind as long as its being used for what it is. A car!



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Vik is a freind of mine as I was pleased when he bought the car as I know it will be well looked after and used as it should be. What he does with it is up to him, if he wants to show it, rally it, track it whatever I don't mind as long as its being used for what it is. A car!






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What he does with it is up to him, if he wants to show it, rally it, track it whatever I don't mind as long as its being used for what it is. A car!




LOL genius. I would like to see the look on your face however if you were stood in a forest watching the RAC rally and your old car came past :D Jeremy Beadle eat your heart out LOL

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Kev - I have to say I am the most dissapointed with your responses as I have always been impressed with what you have done/had done to your car and you always talked to me on a level at meets etc.. Why you seem to be sighting me as some sort of glory hunter or something I do not understand, as anyone who knows me will know I am not like that.


Likewise and it's unfortunate this thread got out of hand in the way it has. All I said at the beginning was why is there a new thread every time your old car changes hands? I wasn't expecting so much negativity to result from that. I can only apologise as I have no problem with you or your old car.

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Cheesy, thankz for ze welcome...... :censored:


Think ze heatz building up on zis thread........ :bad-words:


Letz all get together, have a few pintz then have a nice smoke.....then kill each otherz az there'z nothing better to do in zis world...... :hitler: :pukeright: :gag:

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Cheesy, thankz for ze welcome...... :censored:


Think ze heatz building up on zis thread........ :bad-words:


Letz all get together, have a few pintz then have a nice smoke.....then kill each otherz az there'z nothing better to do in zis world...... :hitler: :pukeright: :gag:


:scratch: WTF? Sorry, should that be WZF?! :tongue:

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I think its cos he lives in Germany.


Anyway, I wasn't having a go at Jay or his car, its a top quality machine, the work he did all by himself for himself and it was to a very high standard and the resulting fame was a by-product - the problem I have is like Rob said, when people throw their credit cards at a car just so they have something to show off. Not having the skills is one thing, but modding to just impress is another. Which is why I'm happy to see Vik is gonna do with it what he wants and screw everyone else.

And now I'll shut my big, foot containing mouth and throw my shovel away. :lol:

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Hmmm, guess the lifetime ban didn't register in his brain. If he has one.


What I find funny is the amount of time, money and effort Kev has put into his car, but he doesn't go running off to the shows or mags trying to show it off or have a massive build thread, so therefore he knows nothing in your eyes. Some people aren't interested in that.


Oh, and I'm guessing its not politik to call a mod Cheesedik either...:lol:


Whether I was banned or not, what the fu*k has got to do with you? :wave:


Once you've got your tongue out of Kev's batty-hole yeh, answer this question boss:

If someone builds a decent/quick car yeh and they don't brag about it on the Forums or go running off to the shows or mags right..... does that give that person the wright to have PMT over someone elses creation?? :salute:

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Once you've got your tongue out of Kev's batty-hole yeh, answer this question boss:

If someone builds a decent/quick car yeh and they don't brag about it on the Forums or go running off to the shows or mags right..... does that give that person the wright to have PMT over someone elses creation?? :salute:


Nobody here is having a go at Jay so stop your trolling.


P.S :wave:

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Whether I was banned or not, what the fu*k has got to do with you?


Thanks, Corradude.


Multiple accounts (banned or otherwise) are against the forum rules, Gangsta tw@t. I'm afraid you're banned (again).

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Multiple accounts (banned or otherwise) are against the forum rules, Gangsta tw@t. I'm afraid you're banned (again).





:clap: :wave: :salute: :nono:

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Once you've got your tongue out of Kev's batty-hole yeh, answer this question boss:

If someone builds a decent/quick car yeh and they don't brag about it on the Forums or go running off to the shows or mags right..... does that give that person the wright to have PMT over someone elses creation?? :salute:


Nobody here is having a go at Jay so stop your trolling.


P.S :wave:



Too right Leonard.


I had written a big lengthy response but I figured since he was banned what's the point. Anyway I can always go on ED if I want a slanging match. Which I might just do if I have a few drinks tonight....



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Yeah reason I like this forum is the lack of confrontation. You can say its a little boring sometimes yes, but life is too short to have a slinging match sat behind a key board about something that doesnt really matter.

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Yeah reason I like this forum is the lack of confrontation. You can say its a little boring sometimes yes, but life is too short to have a slinging match sat behind a key board about something that doesnt really matter.



F*ck that, I'll meet you behind the bikesheds after school and we can sort this out like children once and for all.

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F*ck that, I'll meet you behind the bikesheds after school and we can sort this out like children once and for all.


Ok give me half an hour to wake up :D

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But you need to remove your tongues from my batty first :D


Tell you what, I'll gather up my homez and come and shank y'all.....

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Just want to add:


I have no issues with Mr. Renshaw - never met him and meant no personal slight if my posts seemed as such:salute:

I have no issues with the new owner, Vick: welcome to the party! :nuts:

I don't regard the car in question as a "show car" and even less a "chequebooked" car; I just am drawn to the engineering aspectmore than the cosmetic / interior mods :|, which are a great read :cheers:


Now then, let's all hug, get some Cocoa and watch the sound of music :bonk:

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spoke to vick last night. seems a sound bloke and he is a mate of renshaws so its kinda going back to him :p after hearing what his plans are for it im looking forward to seeing it :D

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Once you've got your tongue out of Kev's batty-hole yeh, answer this question boss:

If someone builds a decent/quick car yeh and they don't brag about it on the Forums or go running off to the shows or mags right..... does that give that person the wright to have PMT over someone elses creation?? :salute:



I'd rather be a kiss @rse than a c*nt.


Anyway, I was only using cheesewire's C as an example which I don't regard as licking butt. :p

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