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i really cant express how much i rate them for customer service :D after a little mess up?? i bought some HT leads off pete at the stealth rolling road day. as my car is a coilpack car, pete took a lead out of a distributor set, but due to it raining at the time, me/pete did not check i had the right leads (i only had 5 HT leads, and the 6th lead was the distributor lead). a simple e-mail to DubPower (Sharon) sent me a full re-placement set that day on special delivery.


cheers guys :D



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Sorry for digging up this old topic but I guess it's better than starting a separate one.


I would also like to recommend DUBpower on grounds of their customer service and it seems Sharon is still the one keeping things in order.


I just bought some ignition leads from them and was charged £5 for delivery which seemed fair enough. When they arrived though the postage paid was only £3.49 and the packaging was a tatty, re-used envelope with a 2007 postage stamp on it. Now this is something you would often get from ebay sales but is not the sort of thing I would expect from an established company so I thought I'd just mention it in my email while acknowledging the receipt of the leads.


After a short while I received a reply from Sharon thanking me for letting them know and promising to refund the postage costs to my paypal (which has indeed been refunded).


She also said that the leads should be dispatched in custom produced boxes from a third party so if anyone else receives leads from DUBpower in a recycled envelope do let them know as that is not the service they believe to be providing. Seems like some people at the third party dispatcher may be in trouble! ;)



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Definitely has to be a record for such an old topic which is still relevant ;)


Plus it only 2 years not 3 8)

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Had the same e-mail from Sharon from DubPower regarding the HT leads packaging. I've not had them yet, they were posted over the bank holiday in the UK, plus to make this more complicated, there was a bank holiday over here in Germany too!


Looking forward to putting them on the car though, I'm pretty sure that the ones currently on the car are 15 years old.

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Just to back this up, Sharon drove to my work and hand delivered my HT lead the other week, refunding my £5 p&p in cash too! Very helpful Customer Services!

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