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Removing wings

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I need to get the wings off my car, just wanted a very quick run down of what is involved? Is there anything I need to know?



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Have you got a heat gun?


Have you got a sharp knife?


Have you got plenty of patience?


Remove the inner arch liners and the 2 or 3 bolts inside the wing. At least one will be coated in underseal so look out for any small lumps and dig under the the underseal.


there's a row of bolts on the top of the wing, and one under the plastic cover on the door pillar. the front of the wing should be loose.


The rear is coated in underseal and is also glued on. You can't peel the wing off as it will bend. Best bet is to get the heat gun and start melting the glue/underseal. Try to get the knife beween the inner wing and the wing and help cut the glue away whilst pulling on the wing. might need mrsbeige to help as it's a bit of a three handed task.

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Getting the underseal off is the worst problem


Yup! Think 1 wing took as long as the entire front of the car when i did it.

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Didn't find this one too difficult when i did it...also found that a hair dryer was more than adequate for unsticking the sticky stuff!

Message me on MSN if you want some on the fly help!

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My good god, what a complete ball ache. It's just taken me 1 hour just to get one bloody wing off!! Cuppa time me thinks

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