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F.A.O Jim

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Jim - have you got the Fiat 500 brochure yet, requested mine from the Fiat website - one of the best brochures I have ever seen - a real work of art - be warned though - to have the brochure is to want the car :lol:

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Heh - yeah, got it through the other week mate. I'd forgotten i'd requested one a few months back so when it turned up it was a surprise :)


I also got a pack through when i'd initially registered with stickers and all sorts of tat! You're right - it does look cool in the brochure!

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Have you heard what they're doing for the launch of the car? They are giving one a ride on the London eye at 8 pm on Jan 21st because that is exactly 500 hours into the new year. Cheeeeesssseeeeeyyy! :lol: I get a distinct feeling these cars are going to be very popular though and will probably be everywhere in a short space of time. Good time to be a Fiat dealer....



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My only worry is.. by the time I can afford to buy one, everyone will have them and it'll have lost some of its cool factor. But it also gives Fiat a year and a bit to work any of the issues out with UK models :)

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If everyone buys one it may work to your advantage. You may be able to find some really good second hand deals this time next year. And you're never gonna get exclusivity with a car like the 500. Well, maybe for the first day it comes out. I shouldn't let that put you off though. If everyone had a Rado I'd still drive one. If I still had one.... :(

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