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Rear wiper - went backwards across the spoiler!

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Another one of those 'WTF' problems with the Corrado this morning and it damaged paintwork into the bargain. A little bit icy but nothing that should have caused serious resistance and I stupidly tried to use the rear wiper - looking in the rear view mirror saw it try and then instead go in REVERSE with the arm dragging itself across the spoiler and jamming at about the 6 o clock position. Dumbfounded I hopped out the car and dragged it BACK across the paintwork into position and tried again, and it did the same thing. What the hell?


I tried again when I got to work and it just twitches and drops down a little before I quickly press the stalk in again so it can't do any more damage.


Suggestions anyone? :(

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it sounds like its come loose on the spindle when it tried to wipe up and just turned instead, and then when it went to wipe down its tightened the nut as its twisted and forced the arm down, you probably just need to slacken the nut off, put the arm in the right possition and tighten it up properly, if it has rounded the splines off you may need to dremmel some new one's into it, or just get rid of the rear wiper completely and use rain-x on the rear screen.

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Ah - that didn't occur to me before (about it coming undone then retightening on the return wipe) but yeah that does make perfect sense. I'll take a look at it on the weekend! I had been debating deleting the rear wiper for some time but I do find it useful... i'll see how bad the damage is to the splines before I decide this weekend.


Cheers mate :)

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actually thinking about it the arm pivots from the left hand side of the car doesn't it? so on the upstroke the spindle would be turning clockwise (tightening the nut) and on the downstroke anti-clockwise (slackening the nut) so it doesnt really make sense, unless it just broke the contact with the ice on the downstroke and gripped the spindle.

Its worth just taking the arm off first and checking that the spindle rotates as it should.

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if it's like the front arms Jim then the motor spindle has the grooves cut in it and the arm part simply gets groove patterns pressed into it as you tighten the nut down, what you may need to do is smooth off the inside on the arm where it fixes onto the spindle first so you can get it to park exactly right, but it may have already done that for you!

If anything's bust I've a spare arm and motor you can have for nowt, from when I fitted a new tailgate last year.

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Awesome! I'll sort you out with something for it if I need it! You've sorted me out with freebie car parts before and i'm starting to feel guilty about it! :)

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As an Aside.. is there any way of getting teh Motor to park with the wiper in a different position.


Was thinking about directly up the screen so it's across the heating elements.. Would seem to be a tad more aerodynamic too?

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Well looks like this is all sorted then Jim but the moral of the tale appears to be buy some de-icer


I have a garage! But sometimes I just can't be bothered with the hassle of putting the car away :D

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this reminds me, which bright spark at VW decided the mk4 golf should have a fixed position on the stalk for the rear wash wipe?

if you (or someone else) accidentally leaves it on when you turn off the ignition, next morning the first thing it does when you start the car is try to wipe the rear screen :roll:

at least with the corrado you have to be pretty deliberate about trying to break the rear wiper :lol: (sorry Jim)


vwdeviant, I think it's out of the flow of air pretty much where it is and the golf boys are always converting theirs to lie flat!

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Sorry to hear about that, JIm.


However, by the time you become very old, if they still have a similar wiper system, or, indeed, if you are allowed to own a motor car, you will never turn on the wipers on a cold morning without checking that the blades are not frozen to the glass!


I suppose I am saying "been there, done it, but it was a while ago!"

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What a sh!t day for the Corrado today was. Left the car park still peed off about the rear wiper, and got let out of a junction into an awkward traffic situation with no room and hit the kerb with my passenger side front wheel. Got out to have a look and its took a nice chunk out of it and lifted a 50p sized piece of paint / lacquer off. I was literally sitting in the car shouting at the top of my voice with frustration. Then I got home and found that on the way home the rear wiper had blown backwards in the wind and trapped under the spoiler, so when the spoiler came down it crunched the wiper arm a bit and did even more damage to the paint.


What a f*cking joke. I hate giving a crap about my car :(

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