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Why is G60 not recommended?

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Sorry, can't write english...


I heard that G60s break down more often than "stock" 1.8 16V. I'm now asking why.

In Slovenia we don't have any regular 1.8 16V, just G60, but VW dealer said to me that G60s are not god - have problems in engines.



**moved to General Car Chat - not a specific problem (mod - stevemac)**

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Its the G-Ladder that has the problems, but, as far as everyone says, as long as they have been serviced regularly, and looked after, you should have no problems mate.



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I agree with ']['H3R4POR - supercharger is the only "fragile" part of the engine. Just make sure that it's reconditioned approx every 40,000 - 50,000 miles and you should be okay. Also renew the bolt in the front crank pulley - have occasionally been known to break.


Can't understand why your dealer have said what they have - G60's are great cars. :D

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dealers probly never driven one or at least a good one.


when you go to vw and ask things they aint a clue. most of the technicians aren't old enough to have worked on G60 ans even then they were quite thin on the ground.


bad reputations are harder to loose than good ones. that was probly VW doing to in not servicing the items

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I agree with ']['H3R4POR


:o :oops: :shock: :D


I just read your username explaination.. :study: .. :D


its a long and "interesting" story, but the people wanted to know, so know they do ;)

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dealers probly never driven one or at least a good one.


when you go to vw and ask things they aint a clue. most of the technicians aren't old enough to have worked on G60 ans even then they were quite thin on the ground.


bad reputations are harder to loose than good ones. that was probly VW doing to in not servicing the items


right you are gazza. i worked at stealer for a little under a year and the guys who were twits drove grand prixs and cavaliers and talked shit about dubs. especially G60s, and other rare® kit.


the guys who knew their shit drove old-schoolin audis.. track-prepped porsches and had respect for the mighty G. (did nothing but talk shit about VR 'pigs' tho) i still have a smile on my face from when i asked the head tech (20+ years stealership vw/audi experience) to take a ride with me to see if my G60 was 'healthy'. as soon as we hit the onramp his knuckles went white on the 'oh-shit!' handle and he didn't let go until we were back at the shop :lol: "ya. its strong" he says :lol: :lol:

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If you're unlucky the Glader might break but by and large, it is a reliable and solid engine.


I drove around in Supercharged's G60 yesterday and really enjoyed it, doesn't feel fragile at all. His is still on the original charger at 84K and still pulling 170 brake, with the smoothest torque curve I've ever seen on any engine. Nice.



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When you say reconditioned...what does this entail? thanks jer


Basically renewing all the bearings, seals and the internal pulley in the charger...


They can also be rebuilt to higher specs, ie porting, special coatings applied, smaller pulleys etc

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