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Repairing hacked ISO loom... the mystery continues

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So I spent a couple of hours this morning soldering ISO plugs back onto the original car loom that some thieving pikey shite had lovingly hacked out at some stage. In hindsight, crimps would have been nicer but ho hum.


Anyway, I have all the wires connected up apart from 1. The ISO plug I was given has a black wire coming out of the power-related plug, but I have no corresponding part of the car loom to wire it in to.


If I plug the head unit in, it only turns on when the ignition is in acc position - if I turn it round to full-on the head unit turns back off again.


From what I gather and indeed from what I've found on here - this black wire should be 12v switched ignition live... but I can't find any loose wires anywhere in the dash.


Does anybody know where this wire usually comes from as it can't have just disappeared? Alternatively, can anyone suggest a good place to take a splice from for it?

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don't you join two wires together from the headunit and then connect to one wires from the car, i remember doing this once

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Yeah, there's the whole red/yellow wire swaparoo, but that's on the bit of loom that goes from the car's ISO plugs to the head unit. At the moment I'm just repairing the loom in the car - so ignore anything that goes past the ISO plug to the head unit.


Essentially, I've got 2 bits of loom. The plug-side has a black wire on it, the car-side doesn't and I dunno what to find in the car to connect to it.

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black - ISO - yellow - green


Blue - yellow - ISO - HU - brown


brown - black - blue - ISO - HU



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black - ISO - yellow - green


Blue - yellow - ISO - HU - brown


brown - black - blue - ISO - HU




Er you whatnow? :lol:

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Dunno , I just see your threads as an excuse to be silly on Friday afternoons, sorry :oops: - i'll go back under my rock again now...

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Dom, can you sling up a photo? My stereo's back to "temp" install while i Track out the intermittant wiring to the front speakers, think it's in the HU-ISO wiring.. grrr... I'll have a look over the weekend for you.


But as it's Friday and I had to guess, a pink wire? :lol:

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Those plugs look sexy....


Quite surprised they don't just connect up correctly given thier origin.

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blue is remote wire for amps, black is earth.


red - perma/switched live

yellow - perma/switched live

black - earth

orange - illumination

blue - remote

*edit* what looks like pink will prolly be mute for a mobile phone doofer :)


is that all thats on it?

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This is the best description I've found so far:


If I remember right this is the iso plug colours:


Battery +12 volt: Yellow or Red


Illumination: Orange


Ignition +12 volt: Red


Electric Aerial: Blue


grey is front right


green is front left


white is back right


purple is back left


Phone Mute: Purple


And this is the VOLKSWAGEN colours:


P o w e r

Memory (+12v Constant) Red

Ignition (+12v Switched) Black (not available in older models)

Ground (-) Brown

Illumination Gray or Gray/Blue

Dimmer (none)

Power Antenna White

S p e a k e r s

Right Front (+) Red

Right Front (-) Brown/White

Left Front (+) Blue

Left Front (-) Brown/Blue

Right Rear (+) Red/Green

Right Rear (-) Brown/Black

Left Rear (+) Blue/Green

Left Rear (-) Brown/Red




Which would imply that it's ignition live. I'd also go with that description as the head unit comes on in ACC position, but goes off again when the igintion is full-on.


Toadypoos - would you be able to look on the car the plugs came out of to see if you can trace the corresponding black wire and find out where it comes from?

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is the black wire next to the earth (brown in ur pic) if so, its the illumination wire (usually orange).


You dont need to bother with this...its there so that you can hook it up so when you adjust the brightness of the dash, the cd player brightness changes as well



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is the black wire next to the earth (brown in ur pic) if so, its the illumination wire (usually orange).


You dont need to bother with this...its there so that you can hook it up so when you adjust the brightness of the dash, the cd player brightness changes as well




Isn't that the grey/blue wire from the list above (which may or may not be definitive)? I think it must be something to do with ignition live because the stereo turns off when you turn the igntion on...


b0llocks, forgot to check the cable arrangements again in the daytime, sorry dude :(


No spooning for you tonight.

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if the black wire on your new loom is next to your earth wire then it is your illumination wire.


Lives are the one below the earth and the 3rd one along in the same row as the earth



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I'm gonna have to go and double check all this tomorrow.


If it is the illumination wire, then it sounds like I've got something else fubar :(

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So firstly - the black wire (in this case) is for illumination switching. Why/what and where is anybody's guess. But it can wait for now.


However, I did manage to get the multimeter out and test the wires I've got...


Red: 12v+ constant

Brown: Ground

Brown/red: Acc position only (i.e. off when the ignition is fully off and off when the ignition is fully on)

Blue/white: Ignition fully-on only

Blue/grey: Nothing ever, but looking at the wiring diagrams for the stereo, it looks like it's probably for the aerial amp, so actually gets fed by the head unit.


Can any body explain why there is 1 wire for ACC and 1 for Ignition? Shirley that should all be on one wire? Is it going to do any damage wiring the two together (i.e. is the back-current going to cause issues further back in the loom?)


At the moment, I seem to have the wire that is ACC-only live is in the pin that should have ignition live only and the pin that is actually ign-live only goes into a hole that the head unit has no use for.

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dinkus, I'm 99% sure that the blue grey one is speed pulse input to the standard stereo. I wired that up to the aerial outputon mine and the spoiler stopped working, as there is no protection circuitry in the clocks for that I/O line, it blew a transistor on the board.


There as a spoiler fixing thread that I started ages and ages ago somewhere....

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Oh flange.


Well I didn't poke 12v up the blue/grey one, but I did poke 12v up the blue/white one. I hope I haven't popped the speed controller :(

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Can any body explain why there is 1 wire for ACC and 1 for Ignition? Shirley that should all be on one wire? Is it going to do any damage wiring the two together (i.e. is the back-current going to cause issues further back in the loom?)


Old style Sony looms (Like for my headunit) had a seperate battery for it's memory in the loom so the full-time feed would keep that charged and the Acc position would have swiotched it on and off..


My "professionaly installed" supposedly "Sony" replacement loom doesn't have the battery so my head unit just re-sets itself every time I switch off the Ign.. And both front speaker connections in that loom are intermittant as well! :mad:


(avoid CCA in Aylesbury like the plauge is my advice)


Off to see if I can get a proper loom for it from a reputable Sony dealer this week!



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