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Had a rather amusing morning.

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Went to vw gilders on ecclesall road in sheffield today to get some bits for my car. Took girlfriend with me. She stayed in car and i went in to order the parts. As i was in there i must of sat on my keys and locked the car with my girlfriend in it. I did hear a car alarm but didn't think it was mine. I got back to the car 10 minutes later to find my claustrophobic girlfriend panicing as rid couldn't get out at all. Not only did all that happen, a fellow corrado owner came up to the car trying to ask my girl some questions about the car, all rid could do was point at the forum sticker in the back window! Lol

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Hiya mate,

i had an eventfull morn too!! not a plesant one though. Ill watch out for you, i'm from rotherham. like the pic with the viaducts behind.


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Im currently in meadowhell with the lady, so not far from you col. im sat in the walkways on here on me mobile, saves trapsing around looking at frilly dresses n stuff!

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unlucky...many an hour has been spent (wasted) in that place, usually the tour is also guided by a female!! :cuckoo:

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taking your mobile is a good alternative to the 'perv as you wait' stance outside Jane Norman/ wherever. safer too, been busted too many times!! :lol:

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I love the way they hide the women's changing rooms in the lingerie section. The "embarrassment" of guys (being a suitable collective noun, I think) hanging round who aren't sure what they're allowed to look at is quite amusing sometimes..

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Hiya mate,

i'm from rotherham.


Im sure somebody was telling me about you possibly, you not had the car long and were you in Somerfield/Texaco on Balby road earlier?

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That sure sounds interesting!


Something kind of like this happened when I still had the alarm in the Porsche. My friend was waiting in the car while I ran into a shop. The alarm in the car would short out if the car bumped the wrong way. Anyways, my friend reached over to do something and set the alarm off. To deactivate it we had to open the hood, cut the wire and then tape it off before we could start the car again :lol:


In other news, I wish I had an internet-capable mobile. Maybe some day if my rado stops eating my money :(

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Lol. Have to be careful as the central locking seems to be really good on these cars. Have unlocked mine whilst its been parked out on the drive and not realised until the next day!!


Does anybody have any idea what the 'range' is on the central locking. Keep trying mine from afar when parked in empty car parks etc but have to be careful, always worried it may not lock when I'm 100 yards away etc.


As a side note does anybody know what alarm and immobilser was fitted as standard of the Corrado?

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im not sure of the range, but i know if you put the fob to your chin and press it, the range goes further!

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I love the way they hide the women's changing rooms in the lingerie section. The "embarrassment" of guys (being a suitable collective noun, I think) hanging round who aren't sure what they're allowed to look at is quite amusing sometimes..


Just as amusing is when you're waiting for you gf whos in the fitting room, and there are a few other blokes doing the same. You may glance at each other, thinking the same thing along the lines of 'When is she coming out'. You cant help but feel sorry for eachother cos you know what each of you are going through. Theres all these blokes hanging around., lumbered with all the bags. :lol:

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I love the way they hide the women's changing rooms in the lingerie section. The "embarrassment" of guys (being a suitable collective noun, I think) hanging round who aren't sure what they're allowed to look at is quite amusing sometimes..


Just as amusing is when you're waiting for you gf whos in the fitting room, and there are a few other blokes doing the same. You may glance at each other, thinking the same thing along the lines of 'When is she coming out'. You cant help but feel sorry for eachother cos you know what each of you are going through. Theres all these blokes hanging around., lumbered with all the bags. :lol:[/quote:1fyyxjnb]



& why do we never help each other out by having a quick natter? it could have been us at some point in Leeds mate but we will never know!!! :lol:

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:lol: exactly, but i try to avoid going shopping with the girlfriend when ever possible - if shes buying for herself. She doesnt have me moaning at her for not hurrying up and i dont get dragged round various shops that are like sauners

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