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Adz The Rat

Engine Polishing

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Going to have a do at gettin the engine lookin all shiny and clean.

Anyone got any tips for polishing the rocker cover and inlet manifold??

Ive been told Autosol is very good?

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Yup....lots of wet/dry sandpaper.....most of the skin off your knuckles, all of your spare time for a couple of weeks! :roll:


For the price that polished stuff seems to go for, I'd definitely say that it's worth just buying some ready-polished engine bits. It really isn't the most pleasurable of jobs! :roll:

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polishing is a bit of a disease though - once you've polished one part you see how crap teh rest of it looks. Before you know if you're stripping the whole car down just to polish the nuts and bolts lol. I've taken advantage of having my engine bay in bits to try and clean/polish most of teh exposed parts and it looks far better than before (of course) so far. Will post some 'finished' pics when its done.

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