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Bournemouth James

Bournemouth James' VR6, BBS LMs finally fitted

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VERY nice indeed, those wheels totally suit it.


Quick query though....looking at the one with the door open, do all corrado's have the same dimpled sill protector with corrado embossed into it, I can't remember mine having it, but I haven't seen it properly for ages :(


Pretty sure all corrado's have them.

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V-nice car mate :D


local to, look forward to seeing this one around, you on TidyVag ? I've been to a couple of their meets in Poole which are ok, good to see some nice cars, might see you at one when i get mine a bit more sorted and the sun comes out....



good bunch on tidy - i'm on there too (i'm based in Poole). in fact the tidy meet is this Sunday, 3pm onwards at wessex gate retail park - this will be my first meet with the corrado so would love to see lots of other local rado owners who I can pick the brains of!

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Stunning car. You got any close up of the stretch of the tyres on the rims?


I didn't think they still made 215/35/17's in Dunlop SP 9000? I've been struggling to get one, since having a bulge in the side wall on one of mine. Any ideas where to get them save me buying 4 of the SP Maxx's instead?




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Quick query though....looking at the one with the door open, do all corrado's have the same dimpled sill protector with corrado embossed into it, I can't remember mine having it, but I haven't seen it properly for ages :(


Kip, the dimpled sill protectors where fitted to early Corrados - late ones got the (thicker) ugly plastic strips. I removed the originals and bought these earlier versions from my local VR dealer.


James, hats off to you, I'm so glad it's gone to a good home :D You've put the wheels I probably would have done next if I'd kept it! I so miss this car :notworthy:


Hope we can hook up some time - I'd love to see it again!

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No, these pics were taken back in march, the zw1s are back on now, only just got round to putting these pics up,


The wheels are keskin kt4 8x17 with 215/35/17 dunlop sp sport maxx tyres, love this tyre size, althou more expensive, they look so much better than 205/40/17

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I saw this car a few weeks ago in towerpark (I went to see bruno which was a bit of a sausagefest) I couldnt belive how good it looks.

Was a bit annoyed that you has the same headunit as me and a full beige interior, which im half way through fitting to mine! Oh well! The Rh's are sick though, do they take much effort to keep shiny?

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They are a nightmare to keep shiny, they come off every winter to get part stripped and machine polished, the mirror finish lasts about 2 weeks after putting them back on, i liquid polish them fairly regular when they are on the the car but that doesent really maintain a mirror finish.

Where abouts are you from then are you local?

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Ha ha yeah the dishes on my wheels shine for about half an hour then rust up! Guess the uk isnt the best place for shiny wheels. looked pretty clean on yours though.

Im in swanage, do you ever go to tidyvag?

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James, long time no speak mate! Hope you are well. Best VR you could have bought IMHO. It has pursuaded me to get another rado and I am currently on the train heading south to collect my new project Corrado having sold the mk4. Loving the touches you have done and look forward to seeing it in the flesh sometime.


Asim, hope you are well to mate, we need to chat.



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Havent been to tidy vag yet, keep on meaning to go, do you go?, is it last sunday of each month?






Sure has been a long time, hope things are cool with you, going back to a rado eh, cant wait to see what your going to do to it!, any clues?, would be good to hook up sometime.

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*Off the website* It is held on the second Sunday of each month and is located next to DFS in the Wessex Gate Retail Park, Poole, Dorset, BH15 3TE off Holes Bay Road and starts from 1500hrs (3pm) in the summer months and 1400hrs (2pm) during the winter months.


I go now and then, depends on the state of the car really, seems to be in bits all the time.

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