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where to get Door scraper seals from?

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Hi guys,


When closing my door windows my seals keep falling out.. :gag:


Anyone have any idea where I can get new ones that arent bent and clip into the door correctly???????


It really is quite frustrating......


Answers on a postcard please......!



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I've been looking for these for months and months, even back when I had my Mk2s.


There are company who will sell you generic lengths of interesting cross-section rubber strips/seals which I've used on cars in times gone past, but I think the best bet would prob be ask someone who is breaking a car or even someone who is selling doors as they may still be attached.


Hope this helps, and leave some for me!



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I believe the external ones are still available from VAG, but make sure you're sitting down when they tell you how much they are...

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I believe the external ones are still available from VAG, but make sure you're sitting down when they tell you how much they are...


Wakey wakey Dom, whats this doing in the for sale section :lol:

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No idea what you're talking about :lol:


Besides, it's Tom that's the forum location :hitler:

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ahh bugger, will check what VAG say then.. I have a mate that works for them so will ask him to price them up..


Will report back my findings, I would ideally want original ones anyhow..

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Eh, I moved this back :cuckoo:


Put it in Parts for Sale for about 3 seconds (auto-pilot) and moved it back. Strange.

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I believe the external ones are still available from VAG, but make sure you're sitting down when they tell you how much they are...


Go on then Dom, how much?


I am seated


I thought they were about £40 per side. (for the outer seals at top of door/bottom of window)

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If it helps I got mine from GPC, can't recall how much they were-think the shock caused memory loss.


Give them a ring, they advertise in all the dub mags, will dig out invoive if you want any more details.



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GPC had a delivery of these this week. They quoted me just over £33 not including P&P&VAT. Spoke to the guy there and he said it would work out slightly cheaper from VW. So I gave them a ring and they had none in stock local but there were 7 in the VW garage, they have ordered one up for me for £42 give or take a few pennies.



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