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top gear, Sunday 8pm repeated wednesday 7pm BBC2

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At the end of the day, the BBC will have paid good money for those cars and would the owners have parted with them if they were so cherished?


on a curious note, i know the owners of a couple of the cars supplied for the Communist car feature and can tell you that the Beeb paid the owners the princely sum of £50 for borrowing the cars for the feature (filmed in early Oct) as the show 'had a budget'! the owners were also dished out a couple of tickets to the studio filming last week... the cars still had bits of tape and the like on them from camera mounts and when they were returned and one was also allegedly damaged :ignore:

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At the end of the day, the BBC will have paid good money for those cars and would the owners have parted with them if they were so cherished?


I doubt that Clarkson himself would turn up to buy it but instead send a researcher. Imagine you are selling your C, have put up a decent price for it, some Johnny turns up, pays you full whack. Excellent, you think, he must really want it, its gone into good hands. Then you see Jezza ragging the t!ts off it and destroying the engine in a matter of days. Sorry, but people have many reasons for selling...say you needed the money for a house deposit and had no choice and then you saw that, you'd be destroyed. That's what gets me. Yeah they might muller a knackered old Jag or two, but deliberately smashing rare old cars is just wrong.


on a curious note, i know the owners of a couple of the cars supplied for the Communist car feature and can tell you that the Beeb paid the owners the princely sum of £50 for borrowing the cars for the feature (filmed in early Oct) as the show 'had a budget'! the owners were also dished out a couple of tickets to the studio filming last week... the cars still had bits of tape and the like on them from camera mounts and when they were returned and one was also allegedly damaged :ignore:


That's just scandalous. :eek: Budget my arse.

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I'm wondering that in a depressed market where even Audi R8s which were only available at massive premiums over list 12 months ago are already trading at around £40k whether an 8C is actually even worth half of bugger all already?

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At the end of the day, the BBC will have paid good money for those cars and would the owners have parted with them if they were so cherished?


on a curious note, i know the owners of a couple of the cars supplied for the Communist car feature and can tell you that the Beeb paid the owners the princely sum of £50 for borrowing the cars for the feature (filmed in early Oct) as the show 'had a budget'! the owners were also dished out a couple of tickets to the studio filming last week... the cars still had bits of tape and the like on them from camera mounts and when they were returned and one was also allegedly damaged :ignore:


I'm sure I've heard another story about them damaging a car they used. I'd be livid...

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I'm wondering that in a depressed market where even Audi R8s which were only available at massive premiums over list 12 months ago are already trading at around £40k ......


Where have you seen R8's going for £40k?

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I'm sure I've heard another story about them damaging a car they used. I'd be livid...


no sheet... i wouldn't lend them my pushbike for £50, so i can't understand why anyone would lend them their pride and joy for that money... especially if it's presented back to you in less than the condition you handed it over in :cuckoo:

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I'm wondering that in a depressed market where even Audi R8s which were only available at massive premiums over list 12 months ago are already trading at around £40k ......


Where have you seen R8's going for £40k?


There was one in the Autotrader last week. £42k it was.

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Ok, so not exactly trading at £40k then if the rock bottom of the R8 market is currently more like £62k, according to Pistonheads and Autotrader. Yeah there's going to be high mileage and bad condition anomalies but you'd be doing extremely well to pick one up for £40k.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing for the sake of it .... I was more annoyed that you got my hopes up :lol:

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Well it was there, £2k difference is hardly worth thinking about, and like you I have no interest in conducting an argument simply for the sake of it. It could have been accident damaged, but it was there.


Personally I'm far more interested in the residuals on RS6's right now :wink:

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on a curious note, i know the owners of a couple of the cars supplied for the Communist car feature and can tell you that the Beeb paid the owners the princely sum of £50 for borrowing the cars for the feature (filmed in early Oct) as the show 'had a budget'! the owners were also dished out a couple of tickets to the studio filming last week... the cars still had bits of tape and the like on them from camera mounts and when they were returned and one was also allegedly damaged :ignore:


I meant the 911, 944 etc, not those communist heaps.


It's quite simple really, if you don't want the car damaged, don't bloody give it to Top Gear! Free publicity isn't it...."Oooh look, there's my old car on TV".


What about the Alfa show they did? The one James May had was mint, if the owner of that didn't want it trashed, he wouldn't have given it to TG.....

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Slightly off topic but it's not just the likes of Top Gear.

Speaking to someone on the concours scene they were tell Kip & I of lending a pristine car to VW for a special display only to then go through a year or more of wrangling over the damage VW had caused it.


Moral of the story - don't lend your car / hand the keys over unless you are

1) going to remain with it at all times


2) know exactly what is planned for it

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on a curious note, i know the owners of a couple of the cars supplied for the Communist car feature and can tell you that the Beeb paid the owners the princely sum of £50 for borrowing the cars for the feature (filmed in early Oct) as the show 'had a budget'! the owners were also dished out a couple of tickets to the studio filming last week... the cars still had bits of tape and the like on them from camera mounts and when they were returned and one was also allegedly damaged :ignore:


I meant the 911, 944 etc, not those communist heaps.


no worries, i realised what you meant... it was more of a comment around the irony that the Beeb/TG would pay good money for some stuff (here's our £10k supercars that are fekt!) and far less for others (here's 50p and a Pot Noodle, ya chump!)

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Boris Johnson was on Top Gear! :shock:


When was this? Never saw him on this weeks show.......oh hang on............, was that while their was a lady in the front row with a very low cut black and white top on? :nuts:


Need to get out more :help:

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Aw, shucks - missed her!


Iplayer for tart gear. Pause, rewind at the touch of a button...

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