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Securing my Corrado / Quantum alarms

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I had an email from Scorpion, they say it was "probably a 5000 system", which was delisted in december 1998. I can see this listed in the thatcham pdf doc above, so maybe that's the case.

So - if it is this, it *was* a CAT1 alarm, just isn't considered to be one *now*.

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The scoprion alarms fitted by the dealers were cat 1 thatcham approved. You can still get additional remotes for them either from the dealers or scorpion direct. If you open up your remote it should have a small sticker giving you the remote code. As steve mac said the alarm should be a battery back up to meet approval. You should have a bonnet switch also. I have wittnessed installs by lazy sparks in my old work who couldnt be arsed to fit a bonnet switch so it depends who did the install really. They dont have a shock sensor only ultasonics fitted to the A posts. You can adjust the sensativity by turning the tiny screw in the one without the led. The alarm side of it should be wired to cut the crank circuit when armed and the immobilizer should cut two other circuits ie fuel and ignition. These are all wired in black. It should passivley arm to meet approval but a lot of punters had this switched off after getting fed up with it! If they are installed well they dont give much problem but if they are just cut and twisted together you will be getting a little oxsidisation at the connections now and this can lead to it falsing. If you are happy with it i would leave it for now.


The other alternative is to rip it out and get a Clifford or a toad but you are looking at £500+ for a cat 1 set up.

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You can get a cat 1 Toad - Ai606 fitted for under £300 at a VSIB approved place near me. Even the clifford concept 300 is well under £500!

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yeah i got vsib approved cat1 toad a606i fitted £275 including taking out the old one and full closure etc...

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Anyone heard of a Volkswagen 600 alarm or immobiliser system? I don't know whether it's my alarm or immobiliser, but I found it under the dash...

Can't find it mentioned on the Thatcham site at the moment, but it's maybe got another name.

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Can you post a picture of it? Big manufacturers buy in their alarms from the likes of Scorpian/GT/META etc etc.

There is a good chance that it is made somewhere in Europe. The fobs are sometimes special to VW but the boxes wouldn't be. Maybe someone will recognise the box?


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