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I love combining my 'hobbies' :-D

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... which are messing around with Corrados and photography :grin:


Even to the point of trawling the Forum to find people that need photos of car bits to help them fix something :norty: :roll:


So... anyone need a picture of a crank bolt? caliper? throttle body? :nuts: :lol:

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... which are messing around with Corrados and photography :grin:


Even to the point of trawling the Forum to find people that need photos of car bits to help them fix something :norty: :roll:


So... anyone need a picture of a crank bolt? caliper? throttle body? :nuts: :lol:


I've been on the receiving end of some of that, good quality photos too. What a leg end. :clap:

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I've been on the receiving end of some of that, good quality photos too.
What a leg end. :clap:

Beats being called a bell end, I guess :lol:

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Yes, I too enjoy combining my "hobbies" of messing around with Corrados and dogging.

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A picture of a crank bolt would be good. I've been waiting sooooo long for VW to supply a DX one for my G60 I've forgotten what they look like.


And Dinkus, how have you managed to bring dogging into this thread? You're obsessed man!

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A picture of a crank bolt would be good. I've been waiting sooooo long for VW to supply a DX one for my G60 I've forgotten what they look like.

Tadaa! :grin:



And Dinkus, how have you managed to bring dogging into this thread? You're obsessed man!

*Quietly disturbed by the pervs' thread hijack* :cuckoo: :lol:


Yes, the thread title is open to a certain amount of "interpretation", just to lure the usual comedians out of the woodwork :wink: :roll:

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What a leg end. :clap:

Beats being called a bell end, I guess :lol:


OK then, legend. :grin:

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Talking of bell ends (well, bell housings) - could you get a cool pic of the VW logo on the bottom of the gearbox? :)

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Talking of bell ends (well, bell housings) - could you get a cool pic of the VW logo on the bottom of the gearbox? :)

New avatar material? 8)


I'll just need someone to lift the car up and hold it at a 60 degree angle... :lol:


Yes, can get a pic, but will need to get a mirror angled under there so that jacks and stands won't be required :salute: A daylight job methinks.

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Oh, you just have to paypal them 1p a year to get 5 stars like me :lol:


Er, dude. You've got like six stars and stuff....


Thanks for the pic Prodigal. You're a gentleman and a scholar. :D I can't wait to get my bolt. I'm scared of driving in case it snaps at any moment! :(

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Oh, you just have to paypal them 1p a year to get 5 stars like me :lol:


Er, dude. You've got like six stars and stuff....

Yeah, I noticed that as well, isn't the normal scale out of 5 and if you financially contribute you get a sixth too? I guess 6 is 'one brighter' than everyone else... (Spinal Tap, anyone?)


Thanks for the pic Prodigal. You're a gentleman and a scholar. :D I can't wait to get my bolt. I'm scared of driving in case it snaps at any moment! :(

No problemo :salute: I wouldn't sweat it though - I had my DX bolt rattling around in the boot for about 9 months before I finally remembered and fitted it, plus the old one seems fine :roll:


However, it's a good feeling once it's done :D

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Yeah, I noticed that as well, isn't the normal scale out of 5 and if you financially contribute you get a sixth too? I guess 6 is 'one brighter' than everyone else... (Spinal Tap, anyone?)


That's how it happens. Have you notice the BBC iplayer goes up to 11? :lol: :clap:


...messing around with Corrados and dogging.

Talking of bell ends...



He's at it again.



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However, it's a good feeling once it's done :D


Yeah, I must admit it does play on my mind when I'm driving it. Like "Sh!t that bolt could go at any moment!". But I'm a worrier about things like that. Which is silly really cos even if the worst did happen it wouldn't be the end of the world. I'd just rebuild it after all.

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