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I love combining my 'hobbies' :-D

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Nice one - Nikon like myself and practically exactly the same kit!


Nikon D80, recently upgraded from a D40, which I still have

AF-S 18-70mm

AF-S 70-300mm VR

AF 50mm F1.8

Polarizing and UV filters

Manfrotto XPROB190 with 485RC Ball head

old manual 135mm f2.8 (Tokina - superslick and heavy)

also still got my 18-55mm and 55-200mm kits lenses that came with the D40, but dont really use them now

Cheapo monopod

Lowepro AW100...but need AW200 as the 70-300mm feels a bit cramped in there!

Adobe CS2 and Lightroom

Aperture (dont use much as it eats power on my iMac)


I was toying with the idea of going for a D200 but thought I'd develop my skills then invest in teh D300 at a later date, or perhaps the new D700 if ££ permit!


some pics of my corrado here - viewtopic.php?f=11&t=70406


hate the way web browsers sap the colour from the images...they look washed out! :( :censored: :pale:



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I have the Lowepro AW200 - it's great for all that gear, plus the 70-300 fits inside on the camera too (just)!


D300 ftw :clap:

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excellent...bit annoying when I need to keep taking off the 70-300 to put it in the bag! Will check it out when the time comes...


so what kind of photography you into? Or does it just come everywhere with you and used when you see something good?!

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I tend to do a lot of landscape stuff, but like taking pics of anything beautiful/stylish :)


I tend to keep the camera close to hand, and always take it away with me - took loads of pics in the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in the States last week. 8)


Taken about 9,000 pics in 22 months, although for a while I was doing a lot of triple exposure bracketing... :roll:

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Taken about 9,000 pics in about 30 months, although for a while I was doing a lot of triple exposure bracketing... :roll:

you say what now?



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Taken about 9,000 pics in about 30 months, although for a while I was doing a lot of triple exposure bracketing... :roll:

you say what now?




I think it's when you get your frank and both beans out in public.

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Taken about 9,000 pics in about 30 months, although for a while I was doing a lot of triple exposure bracketing... :roll:

you say what now?




I think it's when you get your frank and both beans out in public.

Ahhh I see.... thnks Toad.


Well mind how you go Andy,take your time.

Wouldn't want to hear about any zipper accidents.

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Taken about 9,000 pics in about 30 months, although for a while I was doing a lot of triple exposure bracketing... :roll:

you say what now?




I think it's when you get your frank and both beans out in public.

And there it is folks! :wave: thanks for listening, you've been a wonderful crowd :lol: :cuckoo:


(Actually edited my earlier post as I realised it's been 9 thousand pics in 22 months... no wonder my right hand hurts) *cue Toad* :roll:

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And there it is folks! :wave: thanks for listening, you've been a wonderful crowd :lol: :cuckoo:


(Actually edited my earlier post as I realised it's been 9 thousand pics in 22 months... no wonder my right hand hurts) *cue Toad* :roll:






That is a lot of pictures... I wish I was better at taking pics.

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Pics are fun. I will nearly always look at a topic that has pics attached, even if it is a subject that doesn't particularly grab my attention. I also like colouring in...

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Yeah it's easy but horrible. I hate the way the forum puts a big ATTACHMENT box around the picture...no need!


Other vw forums don't do that... :roll:

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My love of cars, motorsport and photography have bought me start up my own business – see below ;-)


I’ll be at Silverstone at the weekend taking lots of shots. I also recently went to the Farnborough airshow and got some great images.


I’m really hankering after a Nikon D300 and a nice 300mm VR zoom now though – about £1300 worth of kit!


One of my fav shots from Saturday:



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nice one neil,


Yeah d300 would be sweet or even the new d700...


for me the 200mm f2.0 would have to top my list at the moment - love differential focus stuff...


@ ProdigalSon - loved the explaination for bracketing - "I think it's when you get your frank and both beans out in public" Made me laugh... :lol:

But with the RAW format, do you still find a need/use for bracketing? Or you into HDR stuff?

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Yeah it's easy but horrible. I hate the way the forum puts a big ATTACHMENT box around the picture...no need!


Other vw forums don't do that... :roll:

simple to get rid of, once the attachment is uploaded click the place inline button.

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@ ProdigalSon - loved the explanation for bracketing - "I think it's when you get your frank and both beans out in public" Made me laugh... :lol:
Credit to Toad, not me! :salute:

But with the RAW format, do you still find a need/use for bracketing? Or you into HDR stuff?
I don't need to bracket any more as I have found I can 'recover' around two stops from underexposed pics and as much as one stop from overexposed pics when shooting RAW (ie. always) :clap:


I do have a few triple exposures that I want to try in Photoshop, to get a nice 32-bit HDR image though :nuts:

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ah gotcha...


tried to create HDR stuff in PS but doesnt seem to work - keep getting some error saying there's not enough Dynamic Range or there abouts...I have 3 images with 2 stops of exposure either side...bit frustrating! Any ideas? :scratch:

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Hmmm, not sure. To be honest, HDR tomfoolery has been on my 'must have a play with this when I have time' list for a while! :roll:


There is a good walkthrough in the online Potatoshop Help I think - have you looked at that? :scratch:

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