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The touch up c*ck up

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The story goes like this.


The front end of my Aqua Blue Corrado has tons of stone chips so i decided to order some LC5U spray cans and touch up sticks from my local VW stealer.

A couple of weekends ago i set about touching up every little scratch and stone chip i could find on the car.

Anyways, the next day when i looked at the car the paint seemed to have dried a little darker than the original paint but i decided this wouldn't be a problem once i'de

given the car a good mop and compound. I've always had problems with shades of paint in the past and at this stage wasn't too worried.

The bonnet was particularly bad but last weekend i managed to find an Aqua Blue bonnet at a bargain price so decided to replace the bonnet rather than sit for hours touching in a zillion stone chips.

So after a 100 mile round trip to collect the bonnet last Saturday, and the fact that the weather was so good i set about removing the old bonnet and fitting the replacement one.

Later that evening i went to a local scenic watering hole and looked across at my car admiring the beautifull sunset that lit the backdrop of the scene.

I thought to my self...Hang on a minute....that bonnet looks darker than the rest of the car.

On returning home i decided to search the interior of my Aqua Blue Corrado to see if i could find a paint code anywhere.

The sticker on the bulk head and the one in the boot had been scuffed and torn so much over the years that they were now unreadable.

I managed to eventually find a code stamped on the centre tunnel (i expect you can guess it wasn't LC5U by now).

:censored: LK5T :censored: :censored: :censored: :bad-words: :bad-words: .

How could i have been so dumb?????


The chap i bought the car from seemed to believe the car was AQUA BLUE and having never parked my car next to another AQUA BLUE Corrado i foolishly got it into my head that my C was AQUA BLUE.


In the daylight the Aqua Blue bonnet looks nigh on identical to Inca Blue.

I expect my chances of finding an Inca Blue bonnet would be very remote anyway seeing as the colour was only used by VW for just over 12 months.


I'm now trying to figure out why i made the mistake in the first place, but at the same time i find the whole c*ck up quite amusing :lol:

Can't say i'm looking forward to compounding all the wrong coloured touch up paint off though :eek:

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You may as well just spray the rest of the car with paint you've got left :D


At least you see the funny side!

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Oops! Easily done with pearlescent paints though mate, don't get yourself too down!


imo, touching up anything other than the flat colours (white, black, red, yellow) is asking for trouble....but then I loathe doing bodywork!

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I had an ABP G60 years ago that had had the same thing done to it but the other way around, the rear quarter was painted Inca Blue :nuts: . I had it blown over and it looked peachy in the end 8)

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The two colours are incredibly closed though. Kinda makes me wonder why VW bothered with Inca Blue, or visa versa.

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Save the pain and get a carbon fibre bonnet, it's only cash after all, you can't take it with you! :lol: 8) :lol:


I'de love to....if only i could trust people not to scratch it.....sadly becoming quite a problem round here lately.

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Inca blue's a gorgeous and rare colour. Oh well. You could make a Harlequin Corrado like those weird Mk 4 Polos!

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If the touchup paint is still quite fresh, a wipe with a rag dipped in cellulose thinners will make short work of getting rid of it. Polish the panel as soon as you can after tho or the thinners will dry leaving smears.

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at least you can laugh about it. if you didnt you'd cry. jsut get the bonnet sprayed up the same colour as the car. kinda defys the point of buying a new bonnet to save this but hey ho! you can do something with your old one now. like put some rinsin' yellow carbon fibre sticky stuff on it innit!

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