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Newbie to paint care, advice please.

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Finally got fed up with the paintwork on my car, never been the best at cleaning the things, it gets washed twice a year whether it needs it or not!

Everyone thinks it's black (actually moonlight blue). I've finally decided it's time to try and get it looking half reasonable.


Bear in mind I've never cleaned cars properly before, unless a bucket of water and a sponge counts, I'm after some stuff to look after it properly, and probably advice on how to use it at a later date.


Would buying a package of cleaning goodies something like this be suitable. If not can you please recommend something else.



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Hi m8.


Yes looks like everything you should need in that kit to get you started.


Edition 38 forum has a detailing section and has loads of past cleaning threads on it.


But as long as your cars paint is not too bad ie just dull not covered in deep scratches or swirls then you should ge away with the following:


Wash (using two bucket method)http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7598756069207401372&q=showcargarage.com


Wash Dry




If the paintwork is bad then you will need to use a harsher cutting compound than simply normal polish. Poorboys do a good range of this.


Hope that helps a little, or gives you the confidence to get out there and get cleaning :D



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err no - I hadn't noticed that on the site, the kit arrived today and I was a bit peed off to notice it didn't come with the kit. Had to buy a bottle from local car shop :roll:

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