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New Corrado OWNER

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Hey guys, just bought myself a 1991 (J) G60 and as its the first time owning a corrado i thought i might as well get myself some advice from the experts as i have heard lots of things both good and bad about owning one but would like hear some truthful advice from the people who know,


Cheers, Paul18. :help:

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Hi mate.

Have you actually got a specific running issue with the car?

You should start a members thread with pics n stuff so we can see the new arrival.

welcome btw.

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Cheers, not got a problem with it so far(touch wood) but just wanna hear any kinda advice, dos and donts kinda advice, its the first time i have owned a supercharged car as well so its all kinda new to me so any advice is good,



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engine bay is for specific engine probs is all.One of the mods wll probably move this. :hitler:

Biggest thing for this car is charger history.

Do you kow if it has ever been serviced?

If not then you will want to think about throwing some money in that general direction.


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Hi mate, not sure how much you do/don't know but the main two things that you need to make sure has been done recently or have done yourself are:


A. Cam belt/tensioner - has it been done within the last 40k? if not i'd be having it done if I was you

B. Supercharger Rebuild - It's very important that the charger has been serviced within 40k miles (less if the pulley is smaller) If you have no record of a charger rebuild or it was done more than 40k miles ago then get it sent to G-Werks as quickly as possible!


Other than the charger it's pretty much like any other car to maintain, just make sure your oil temp gets to 80deg at least before taking the car much above 3k revs.


Have a look here - http://www.the-corrado.net/wiki/index.p ... _Checklist - it might give you a few hints of what to look for, the check list is intended for those going to view rados before they buy but it may help a bit.


If you have any specific questions please try using the search - i'm sure 90% of your questions will have been answered before on here somewhere so it's always worth a try :eek:


P.S - the thread can stay here as the question is regarding looking after Rado supercharged engines :dorky: :camp:

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yeah cheers for the quick response, the main reason i put the post in here is because of the supercharger, not really had much to do with them as i have already said so that was my biggest concern, i have no idea of the history of the charger at all so i am not sure when it was done however the previous owner was somewhat of a corrado enthusiast himself and had said to me that he had no major concerns with it and that the power delivery and general running of it seemed to be ok, that said i am on here to make sure as i have no real idea of superchargers, how much am i looking at for a rebuild(dont fancy bein ripped off!) and more to the point how long am i looking at losing my car for?


thanks again, paul18

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It depends where you are mate, the only place that is recommended for rebuilds in the UK is G-Werks on the south coast - if you can drive it in, it can be done in a day - otherwise you'll need to take the charger off and send it down to them for which you'd be looking at a week turn-around in my experience - you can set the car up to run without the charger on so you can still get around in it but it's significantly down on power! :lol:


A standard rebuild is around £400 if I remember correctly, I know it's a fair whack to have to pay out but once it's done you can forget about it again for 40k miles at least :) - if you have no record of it being done then I really do recommend you have it done as soon as you can, G-Laders have a habit of blowing up if they're not looked after properly.

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I am in hampshire. Is there any real way without spending £400 to check the reliability of the charger, as i have only just bought it i dont really have the money lying about to get it rebuilt right at the minute so would be grateful for any checks or way to tell if i am onto a loser here, i dont mind spending the money but i have the rest of the month(and a money hungry wife :luvlove: ) to go before i can afford to do it and dont really wanna go mental in it if its gonna send it to the big g-werks in the sky :wave:?

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Contact the previous owner to see if he had it done, if he was an enthusiast as you say, he would know the charger needs to be looked after :wink: OH, and welcome to the forum of empty pockets :)

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Corrado's are what credit cards are for! :D


The best honest advice I can give you is to drive it to G-werks as soon as posible and get it checked over (the charger and the whole car that is), worth getting it checked out for peace of mind as I have seen several G60's with fuel leaks and engine mounts about to let go this year!


At the end of the day it's a 150mph sports car which is at least 15 years old, it's never going to be cheap to run :wink:

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Yeah cheers for the advice again guys i will get it to them shortly, i was expecting to throw a fair bit of money at the car however didnt expect the bill to be £400 after 2 days :pale:, as i said i dont mind spending the money, i did expect it and its definately peace of mind to get it to g-werks and get it checked over, will they check the whole car for everything that might potentailly be a problem?

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Have a search on here, there's a boost check you can do.


Dont get me wrong, im not trying to instil any paranoia - but it's something that needs addressing at some point if the chargers not been serviced.

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yeah i did that and the figures it gave me on idle were 470 and in 3/4th gear redline highest recorded was 1740...... :scratch:

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