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G60 ECU pin 23 - Voltage HELP - Diagrams link

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From what i've read corrado G60 till 07/90 has ecu pin 23, which is my case. Was cheking the electrics (from viewtopic.php?f=1&t=29418&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=pin+13+23&start=585 ) and everything ckecks ok 12.3 V with the exception of 13+23 = 11.2 V !!??


What could be wrong ?


and some other questions:


1- Are ECU interchangeable (before 07/90 after) ?


2- Will any chip work? (never heard of diferent chips for diferent ecus (except California models, i think are diferent)


3- Whats pin 23 for?


4- Can one "convert" this ecu loom to newer one without pin 23?


Also found: "23 auxiliary control Digifantr elais (only with STG" B" , starting from CP freely)

24 with STG" B" freely, starting from CP on Leerklemme2 with Digifant relais sockel "


Diagram: http://volkswagen.msk.ru/index.php?p=page09_cr

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From what i've read corrado G60 till 07/90 has ecu pin 23, which is my case. Was cheking the electrics (from http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... &start=585 ) and everything ckecks ok 12.3 V with the exception of 13+23 = 11.2 V !!??


What could be wrong ?


and some other questions:


1- Are ECU interchangeable (before 07/90 after) ? Should be yes.


2- Will any chip work? (never heard of diferent chips for diferent ecus (except California models, i think are diferent) There are several different chips, the later the better and all work with all G60s except for the ones with throttle potentiometers.


3- Whats pin 23 for? Don't know, I am at work so cant check the wiring diagram right now.


4- Can one "convert" this ecu loom to newer one without pin 23?

Pin 23 is still there on later looms it just isnt used by the ECU.

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It seems that ecus are interchangeable, as written by Yandards.


I've not yet come to a conclusion on the PIN 23. It seems to be redundant and so put aside on newer ecus. Still figuring it out with haynes and Ecu board layout.


But i also found out that newer ecus have PIN 24. This is "hall out", basically Tachometer signal to cluster. I think, in this case, these are the ecus to be used on double digital cluster G60. I'm not sure if old ecus had this feature but i think soo.


About ecu looms:

My Corrado G60 has the Pin 20 (mil out) and Pin 23 but not Pin 24.

From the info i could gather it seems that newer G60 don

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