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Oil cooler - how big??

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i am building a G60 turbo and have been advised to use an oil cooler,


i have found a selection on ebay which i can probably use,

but i am unsure of what size to use?

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best bet is to probably get a new MOCAL 14 row cooler and all its fitment shenanigans, looks like it fits in place of the old intercooler ok too :)

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I have a 15 row 230mm one on my Golf and have had to cover it with cardboard. The water temp is so low its chuffing freezing in the car. Covering the oil cooler means the water gets a little hotter but not much!


I deleted the heat exchanger and could do with a smaller rad really. Unless someone can come up with a way to reduce the cooling/flow or summat, which would allow the water temp to get a bit higher. Maybe a mad 100 degree thermostat??



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Mocals come with a 70 degree sandwich plates (as you probably already know) as standard but they do higher ones. The beauty of Mocal sandwich plates is they utilise the stock heat exchanger, so normal water to oil preheating remains unchanged. You should not notice any difference with the oil cooler. My Mocal VR kit gives a regular 94 deg in winter and summer at moderate pace and 104 max when cruising at over 100mph.


By all means block the cooler if it's under cooling over winter but you've still got the circuit running at all times and even when blocked, the mocal still retains a cooling effect due to the 70 deg + oil leaving the sump and flowing through the cooler.



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I had to remove the heat exchanger, as it'd be nigh on impossible to get the oil filter on and off. The oil does run at a fairly constant 76-84, it gets a bit hotter with no air blowing over it. I assume the temp is measured going back into the engine?


The problem I have is the water temp, it barely comes out of the white in winter. As there is no longer any heat transfer from the oil, into the water system. The water temp is really low. I don't have a problem with it during the summer but now the heater is pretty weak.


If I reduce the flow into the rad, will that up the temp or cool it more? I can't make my mind up which it'll do.


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Hmmm, I wonder if your thermostat is stuck open? You should see 70 deg on the dash after about 5 mins. How come the the filter is difficult to remove with a sandwich plate? It's only an inch think.



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It is so close to the subframe as std (G60 Golf). The sandwich plate would never go in as well as the heat exchanger.


The oil does come up, it takes 5 mins driving to come to 50. I have seen it go to 120 odd on trackdays this summer and when you back off for the warm down it starts dropping almost straight away.


I believe the oil system is ok, it's just it has removed so much load off the water system, that it is now far too efficient. If I were to restrict the flow in the top hose, would that up the temp in the system as a whole or would the water be cooled more as it is in the rad longer?? Would the water t stat keep things in check?



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Oh OK Gav, didn't realise things were so tight in the G60 :(


Not to sure to be honest on restricting flow to the rad, but it might create an excessive pressure point?. I suppose you could try a Golf 16V radiator which is 30% smaller than an 8V one.



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just had a thought probably not recommended,


but the water pumps are cheap if you got one and cut down/modify the fins then i guess the flow could be reduced - causing the temperature to rise :?

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Kev, have you seen a G60 rad? Its a big chuffer, ETKA says it is 580mm long, with the bolt on elbow on the end. I think that is the same as one a VR. ETKA lists a smaller one but I can imagine the price and availability!


What I think I am gonna do is, restrict the top hose like I suggested above and see what happens. I have an infrared temp gun. You can just point it at things and get the temp straight off. Ideal for brakes and tyres. I'll do before and after shots and see what the story is.


I might see if there is a larger water pump pulley, that would reduce the flow as well. A higher temp thermostat would be the one to have.


The more I think about crimping the top hose, the more it seems that is all the thermostat does??? Just a different place in the circuit.


A sleepless night wondering, coming up!



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Just a thought :-


Many years ago I had a MK2 Escort :lol: In winter I used to cover half of the radiator with cardboard to keep the cooling system warm. Effectively - halving it's cooling effect.

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Many years ago I had a MK2 Escort In winter I used to cover half of the radiator with cardboard to keep the cooling system warm. Effectively - halving it's cooling effect.

i just removed the thermostat completely in my old mk1 escort,used to get bloody cold in the winter though :lol:

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I have covered a third of the rad already but it will be compromising flow through the intercooler. :( Not what I want really. I won't be able to enjoy the extra power :shock:

Still going with clamping the top hose a bit. Squish it into a U shape and hold it with a tywrap.



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