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Mike Edwards

To Sell, or Not to Sell...

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I had this debate with myself earlier in the year when my rado was constantly giving me problems, i was tempted to sell up and buy an Ibiza cupra, but here i am 6 months later with the same corrado, sooooo happy i didnt sell, because lets face it, i would of had the cupra for a few months and would have then found myself back in yet another corrado.


I guess it depends what you use it for too, mines my daily driver

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I stopped using it as the daily driver 3 years ago*.


Now, despite attempts to rekindle the flame (KW V1s, electric half-leather Recaros), I'm not using it except for the (very) occasional Corrado meet...



*Supercharged Mini - 233 bhp and counting!

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My tuppenyworth Mike (for all that it is worth): unlike many on here, you're not having to sell up the Corrado in order to make a new car possible. You've already got something which you enjoy very much on a daily basis.


So I suppose the question must be as brutal as: would you miss the Corrado if it were gone? Your decision ultimately will be based on that.



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Yeah I know the feeling.


I haven't driven mine since the tax ran out in April. Then the insurance ran out in May!

I don't really have any need for it to be honest. I cycle to work and in the evening we take the wife's A3.


Tax and insurance are just too much! £180 odd for tax and the same for insurance to drive naff all.


But at the same time I can't bring myself to sell it. Did that with the last corrado and missed it sorely. Its not worth much so for the time being it'll just sit on the drive on trickle charge with the discs slowly being eaten by rust!

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Yeah I know the feeling.


I haven't driven mine since the tax ran out in April. Then the insurance ran out in May!

I don't really have any need for it to be honest. I cycle to work and in the evening we take the wife's A3.


Tax and insurance are just too much! £180 odd for tax and the same for insurance to drive naff all.


But at the same time I can't bring myself to sell it. Did that with the last corrado and missed it sorely. Its not worth much so for the time being it'll just sit on the drive on trickle charge with the discs slowly being eaten by rust!


I can't really relate to this tbh, as i use my rado as a daily and love driving it everyday. But i can understand you feeling the need to sell it due to lack of use. If that's the case, then sell it and let someone else enjoy it ;) Either that or START USING IT MORE OFTEN! :lol:

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