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cant catch 1st 2nd and rev

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i just got my tranny replaced and the darn thing will not go into 1st 2nd and rev, the cables have being aljusted by a pro! and it still will not catch , who can give some good tips on who to go about this problem








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Surely you should take it back to the "pro" that adjusted your cables..

You have 2 options.

1) cable adjustment is still miles out

2) gearbox is fooked

Can't imagine 1st, 2nd AND reverse dying at the same time in a gearbox, so I'd go for number 1 myself. Perhaps your "pro" ain't quite so "pro"?

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Get someone to move the gear lever in the nuetral position while looking at the two selector cables on the gearbox. The cable that moves while moving across the gate is the one that will require adjusting. Loosen the 13mm bolt on the end of the cable noting the position it is in prior to moving it. Once it is loosened enough to move freely on the selector rod move it a little in the elongated hole. Now the difficult bit. Hold the selector rod and cable in your new position and tighten it up. Now you will either have no gears ( youve moved it the wrong way) or it should be better. A bit of trial and error may be required to get it spot on. There is a VW tool for this job and it makes it a breeze. It locks the two selector arms in place then locates the lever in the perfect position.Cant remember the part no sorry. You should get it with a bit of messing though. I hope this helps.



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Can't imagine 1st, 2nd AND reverse dying at the same time in a gearbox, so I'd go for number 1 myself. Perhaps your "pro" ain't quite so "pro"?


you have the exact prob that i had.


1) lift the gaiter off the top and look where the stick sits on the horizontal rod.


2) to the right of that on the horizontal shaft there should be a circlip. mine has snapped off at some point (not through my shifting tho) so the stick was travelling too far past 1st, 2nd and couldn't get into reverse at all.


3) the way to tell if this is the problem is that the sleeve of the vertical gearstick shaft should not slide left and right at all without tilting the whole changing mechanism.


someone had obviously test driven my car when i wasnt with it (it was in a different country to me!) and not known that you push down to select reverse, forced it and fu*ked it! :mad:


give it a go and see what you get :wink:

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I forgot about that one. Doh! Good call LHD-G60. The cable change shifts on all vw's are prone to that circlip breaking. Just pop the shift gator up and have a look.

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i going to check it out, it sound logical , what i feel is that it find first and second gear and u can;t even get near rev!!i thing it might be the gear selector, do they go bad ??? is it unhear of ???

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