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2.0 16v Idle issue - *I did a search*

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Hi Folks,


I did a search on idle issues (I also posted about them before when I had my passat) and I've had a check on the car but I'm a bit stuck.


The symptoms:


* Starts fine from Hot or cold

* After 5 mins idle drops to about 750 from 800

* Couple of mins later it drops to 500 and car shakes (as it would at 500rpm) and it stalled once.

* If I turn it off and then on again (Can you tell I work in IT?) it idles at 1,100.

* After a few minutes idle returns to 800 and everything seems to be fine from then on.


I've checked all the vacum hoses and they seem fine, checked the induction hose thingy to and that also looks fine. The ISV seems to be buzzing, I thought about swapping it out for the one in my 9A powered passat but they look different.


Has anyone else had these exact symptoms? It leads me to think it maybe something electrical and not vacuum or air leak related as a "reboot" seems to cure it. It could be a sensor but without a bentley/haynes I've got no idea which ones to even start testing.


Your thought's fellow valver owners?



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9a's a re a bit notorious for idle problems like that!


Mate has one with very similar symptoms. There are two 2-pin plugs on the engine side of the metering head. Try pulling them out and see if it makes any difference.


This made a big improvement on his as whatever fueling sensors they are reset to a default value when unplugged. Mpg did drop noticeably though.......he's going to solve the problem by replacing the entire metering head.

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Blimey that seems a bit extreme! I'm on a tight budget so swapping that out isn't an option at this stage.


Does anyone know what inputs other than vacuum and the ISV the 9A uses to set the idle? I can then test these in order and see what I can find.



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Try cleaning out the ISV, could also be a fuelling issue. Filter could be backed in, or the pumps because it could cause similar symptoms.

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Well I've just had the RAC out to mine as I can't get hold of my mechanic and the car just won't idle (cuts out just after starting). He discounted any leaks in the vacuum system as it wasn't drawing anything in.


His final comment before leaving was "I can't do anything more as we don't have the right equipment. Tell your mechanic the engine is hunting - possibly a mixture problem as it seems to be very rich".


Oh well, I'm back on the train only a few days after passing my test!

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Hmmm .. anyone know if running the car on 95RON standard unleaded instead of super would cause idling issues like this?


I'm not sure what members of my family have put in it to be honest and I've just red the engine specs on the CCGB site stating that it can't be run on 95 without modifications (like a K-Star injection/timing kit).

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Yeah should be fine on 95 RON altough they prefer 98+.


Whereabouts you based fella? I know an excellent VW specialist in BAsingstoke but for all I know you could live in north Scotland so may be of no use at all.



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I'm West Sussex, not far from Gatwick, got a good main dealer if I had the spare money but it's in the hands of my friendly local mechanic who has so far been able to solve the more minor issues on the Corrado without a problem.


This time round he can't pick it up till Wednesday so I'm just playing a waiting game.

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Faith is fading :) Today was one of those days when you think - I could almost cry. Bit extreme, but I had my hopes set on enjoying this car after passing my test - after all that's why I got on and took it.


Spent the day at work wondering how the mechanic was getting on only to be told that he decided it was all to complicated for him and it really needed to go to a specialist. Fair enough, found one in Cranleigh that's all lined up ready. Had a quick look under the bonet and it appears, from the marks left behind, that he did pretty much the same thing as the RAC man - check for leaks in the vacuum system etc.


The bit which I felt was very unfair came next .. she came back from her day with a mechanic and now won't start at all. I mean, how can a mechanic make things worse?! It's all a bit much I think ..


Anyway, I've been told my mum's other half has purchased a Scirocco 1.8 16V for me to use as spares. At this rate, if it runs, I'll just drive that.

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Once you get it sorted all this trouble will be forgotten about!


The Kr injection system is very basic, so there's not really a whole lot that goes catastrophically wrong with it. (Just to note, the 2.0L 16v has all sorts of different problems than the 1.8L, so posting in this thread is a bit misleading)


If I were you I'd buy a 2nd hand metering head with all the injectors attached from a known good car, and swap the lot over. Probably wouldn't cost you more than £50.

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