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squeaky spoiler...

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Hello folks. Haven't been on for a few months.


Anyway, when the spoiler goes up and down i get a nasty squeaking sound.


Is there a definitive long term solution for this? I dont really want to just spray WD40 down the gaps cos it doesnt seem like that would be a very proper solution. Surely something inside needs greasing / oiling?


Just wondered if anyone else's spoiler has this issue and what you did to sort it?




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Hi Del,

Hope you are Ok! Theres also a how to guide on the ccgb technical forum with some great pics for reference :)

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it's not really the 'tubes' that are the problem, if water gets into the drive cables they can rust up pretty badly and the whole mechanism starts to sieze, the only real cure is a new complete spoiler unit, it's possible to work some oil into the cables but once the corrosion is in there it makes a mess.

I've been through this before, tried talc, silicone spray etc. on the spoiler supports and tubes but the squeak stayed there, eventually it would jam either up or part way, once I took the whole thing out and apart I found the damage.

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It would be nice to replace the spoiler mech, but at £550+VAT, it's a tad too fruity for most people's wallets.


I've stripped, cleaned and rebuilt 2 spoilers now and they've been perfect afterwards. Mine's been going strong 2 years post rebuild.


David's right though, the tubes collect an awful lot of crud and it causes the cables to bind. Surprisingly, VW never greased the tubes at the factory, instead they relied on the cable's nylon / PTFE outer coating stuff, which has several blocks on it which match the bore of the tubes....if that makes sense. It's these blocks that bind onto rust and crud.


I won't go into too much detail if there's already a guide, but a few things to watch:-


The plastic tubes screwed to the tailgate are made of VW's usual low grade plastic and are brittle. The captive nut in one of mine sheared off....and guess what.....yep, £550+VAT.....you have to buy the whole thing if any part breaks!


Be careful to realign the gearing under the motor properly. Two plastic gear blocks push in opposite directions to raise and lower the spoiler. It's easy to get one of the geared blocks a notch out of synch and the spoiler will raise on tilt and won't sit flush properly either.


Use a good quality teflon grease. I use Halfords cycle bearing grease, it's a lovely red grease and lasts for ages.


Remember to threadlock the two small bolts that attach the spoiler to the guide tubes.


Sounds complicated, but it isn't.


The most difficuly / annoying bit is getting the darn thing out of the tailgate!

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The most difficuly / annoying bit is getting the darn thing out of the tailgate!



that wiring is fun too, if you do attempt to remove the unit just make sure you take a few pics of where everything is routed and clips in.

if you use the manual handle/knob that's on top of the drive unit to raise and lower the spoiler you can 'feel' if there's any resistance in the mechanism, and whether it might be corroded inside

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