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My g60 wont start (surprise)

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Hi all,


just joined - so hi from me - matt from Uk - but living in Holland


Like many of you i am sure - this car is my dream car _ when they work !


I bought my g60 4 months ago - and it blew up first day.


i have replaced the head top, bolts and gasket, thermostat, air filter, water pump, timing belt, distribution and loads of other stuff....


this took a while as my mechanic had a bereavment and has a full time job restoring porsches.


so we finally got it started - and it lasted a day .....


than it just would not start, made the first turn over but didnt kick in.


so this week i bought a new starter motor cos the other was worn... fly wheel looks ok so left that.


put in the starter and it turns over - makes all the right noises - but just will not catch.


i am pulling my hair out and just have no idea what to do next..... wondering if anyone has ANY ideas at all ?>


I am sick of the usual answers from non corrado owners - and the i told you so's !!


Someone has suggested an ecu reset - but i thought this only works for vr6 models ?


i cant walk past it every day any more - so it needs to start or be sold - 4 months owner ship and 2 days driving is not cool. - I expected the usual troubleshooting - but this is way beyond that now.


help anyone ?

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welcome to the world of pain and pleasure matt


the g60 is a great tool pisses of novas no end but you have to suffer alittle for it sound like you have ignition problems take all 4 plugs out rest them on the top rocker cover and turn it over with a friend watch to see if all 4 plugs sparks after that its fueling ??


do you have an a dodgey alarm fitted cutting the ignition feed ?


as for the told you so tell them to eat dust when you get it working !!!!

also when was the charger rebuilt as they need rebuilding every 30k or 20 k depending on the pulley size id hate you to get it working then the charger pack up


cheers stu ..

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thanks for the replies...


in answer to the questions ....


i took the sparks out yesterday and cleaned them as they were wet from flooding when trying to start it too much. I didnt check all 4 for sparks but did check 1 which was fine. -


i have a good alarm - dont think its cutting the ignition - but always try to start it with alarm unlocked.


im thinking its either electrics or fuel - i have pretty much replaced everything else except gearbox, and clutch - neither of which are causing this !-


but i wont be able to give it time until monday anyway, so i will let you know if i get the damn thing started. its torture because she is great condition otherwise, 89 black with good paint, brocks on it, grey leather - and a pretty mint interior - so i just cant wait for it to fire up properly.


autobahn is two hours from me too !


any more thoughts from anyone welcome too....

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Hey Mate,


Where about's are you in Holland? I live in Hoofddorp near the airport an should be able to come take a look with you some point if your not the other side of the country :-) I had loads of issues with mine when I fist got it and would suggest you start with the basics, check fuel, and filter by removing the fuel filter and point the pipe into a jug turn the key to 2nd position so the pump runs, worth changing the fuel filter just in case too as the get badly clogged up, if you have fuel ok I would suspect that the timing is out so starting from the top work down checking the timing marks on the flywheel, dizzy and cam there is loads of information on here about checking the timing on the G60.





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hi all and thanks for the responses....


I live in beverwijk - about 15 km from schipol and hoofdorp i think.


I would really appreciate some help from someone who has been through it ! my mechanic is not available til monday so i am not sure i will get any luck this weekend.


I will check the timing, ignition, fuel, and sparks.


Damn its a beautiful day - but i know it will be raining all next week

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Hi Mate,


Keep us posted :-) I just checked on google maps and you are about 30mins away from me but I don't have my car over here yet so getting to yours could be difficult, but if your mechanic cant fix the problem I would be more than happy to come take a look with you if I can figure out the best way of getting to you one weekend.





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Hi all


thanks for all the help - i must say that i posted exactly the same thread on a few other boards - but got no sensible answers / or no response - so kudos to you all !!


Ok - well good news is that i got it working last night !!!


bad news - not sure what it was !!! - I think it was a mixture of things - definitely ignition timing / and maybe timing belt too.


drove to work a very happy man this mornign - and getting the timing checked professionally today.


I really hope this is the end of the (major) problems - and i will update my profile to show you what she looks like later too.


Thanks again for all the help - even the moral support got me through a very trying time !!

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:cheers: nice one there is nothing like getting your G60 working after a period of grief! Give us a shout if your ever round Hoofddorp way :wave:

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will do for sure - obviously any excuse to drive the beast now !


get out of my way mofos !!

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