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Leather door card glue what kind

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Hi there search for pposts on thihs and one came up with glue from B&Q (make or B&Q own) anyone have any experience with this type or do anyone recommend anhything else?


Alsowould I need to take off the existing finishing to my door cards to fit the leather skin? Someone told me that it needs to stay on or the card will fall apart is this true? Or if taken off slowly will be fine. The fit will be very tight to the inner door seal if this needs to be left and worried incase will damage the new skins once put on.


Oh and by the way the skins were already taken off the cards when I got them. So didnt see how they were fitted.


Thanks for the help in advance



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If it's a help I used good old evostik to sort out a bit of peelage on my replacement leather door cards.


Glue! (Large).jpg[/attachment:2lxlzciq]

It's low odour but does still smell!!!

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If it's a help I used good old evostik to sort out a bit of peelage on my replacement leather door cards.


Glue! (Large).jpg[/attachment:3qzkdb00]

It's low odour but does still smell!!!


Thanks for that Colin :salute:


How long does the smell hang around for?

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B&Q carpet spray on glue, yes you do need to remove the old skins (guessing they are cloth door cards) at least at the edges in order to get a good fit with the window seal. I removed the whole lot but i think that you could get away with just trimming them down at the edges. If you are fitting leather to the cards that you have trimmed youself i would buy some fireproof 3-4mm foam and cover the whole doorcard - it means that your leather will fit better (already done this twice!?). Good luck



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The smell isn't that bad but I thought I'd mention it because my missus complained when i used it in the lounge!! :lol:

It doesn't linger but using it in a shed or gararge would be better if it's warm enough.


I didn't realise your were doing the whole lot thought it was edges, so............

Blean corrado 029 (Large).jpg[/attachment:3fmcziwg]


I quite liked the smell, is that bad?

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i used a hot glue gun works very well, no smell, peels off easy if over spills. but on the minus you will get quite hot fingers in the process :?

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Thanks for the good advice chaps :notworthy:


If you are fitting leather to the cards that you have trimmed youself i would buy some fireproof 3-4mm foam and cover the whole doorcard - it means that your leather will fit better (already done this twice!?).


Timdoc - The door cards have the foam on the inner side of the door, just to get it right I should put some between the leather and the card itself too?


Thanks again



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yeah, i reckon so, did my first door cards around a year ago, without any foam, with leather just stuck straight to the doorcard, they looked ok, but where the seams are where you have joined the leather stands proud and doesnt look quite right, also (no disrespect) but to have made the leather to fit the doorcards exactly is quite difficult - so the foam will iron out the minor errors.


Good luck



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Foam underneath is what any trimmer would do and it gives you that luxurious soft touch :)


I see mate thanks for the tip :notworthy:

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